- The Confucianists Filial Piety and Aftertime Original Decree Leave 儒家孝道观及后世的原旨疏离
- the Confucianists filial piety 儒家孝道观
- Confucianists'Filial Piety and Moral Education in Modern China 儒家孝道与当代中国伦理教育
- Certainly it is not consistent with the Confucianist emphasis on filial piety. 换句话说,在爱人的问题上,墨家强调同等,儒家强调差等。
- You had a lot of filial piety once. 你以往孝心也不少。
- The foundation of this rule is a loyalty based on the Confucian tradition of intimate filial piety. 这条规则的基础是忠诚,建立在孔子的孝顺传统之上。
- But righteousness is one of Confucianist's basic arguments, justice and humanity ritual wisdom letter, loyal good filial piety line. 而“义”则是儒家的基本论点之一,“仁义礼智信,忠良孝悌行”。
- It was, in fact, an expression of filial piety. 这也是儿子的孝心。
- It is an education of love and filial piety. 对学生进行爱心与孝心的教育。
- She said that filial piety can regret days! 她说,孝能憾天!
- Actually maivly is must love me,is filial piety! 其实主要是要爱我,还是孝敬吧!
- He tried to refuse, but because of the Confucian code of filial piety he could do nothing but beat her insensible almost every day. 他本来拒绝打,但是儒家的孝道使他不得不几乎每天都把妻子打得死去活来。
- In a traditional Chinese family filial piety is rigidly observed. 在传统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。
- Proper burials, traditionally an important sign of Confucian filial piety, were outlawed by the Communist Party in many areas in order to conserve farmland and avoid superstition. 入土为安,是传统儒家孝道的重要象徵,共产党为了保护耕地及防范迷信在多数地区禁止了土葬。
- This constitutes part of the reason why the feudalistic “filial piety"-the centre of Confucian morality-was targeted by the "May-fourth" new cultural movement since 1919 onward. 这也在一定程度上说明,作为儒家道德观之核心的封建“孝道”,1919年后为什么会成为“五四”新文化运动口诛笔伐的靶标。
- Begin with filial piety and fraternal love, and then see and hear . 人生的首要大事是孝敬父母,尊敬兄长,其次是多实践于天下大事,博闻古今之理。
- Some might propose the Confucianists, but the strict ideas of the Confucianists could not even be considered a religion, even though this terminology could be considered Confucianist. 也许有人会提起儒教,但儒教严格意义上并不算宗教,更恰当的用语还应该是儒学或儒家思想。
- Later I talked with Big Brother in his room about filial piety. 饭后天还没有黑尽,我到大哥房里和他谈到孝的问题。
- Should Filial Piety Be a Gauge or Test for Official Promotion? 不孝官员能不能提拔?
- I love liberty in the west; I love filial piety in the east. 吾爱西方之自由,吾亦爱东方之孝道。