- The Buddha and the Patriarchs was moved by Mulian's filial piety and awarded a book named Yulian earthen bowl. 目连只好向佛祖求救--佛祖被目连的孝心感动--授予其盂兰盆经。
- Compare the views of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism on the Buddha, the bodies of the Buddha and the religious ideal. 对比对小乘和大乘佛教的佛像的看法,佛像的主体和宗教理想 上面是英文题 我稍微翻...
- Indeed, when they entered the temple, there was no one in sight, only a few statues of the Buddha and the Quan Yin Bodhisattva. 当他们来到庙里的时候,没看到任何人,只有一些佛像和观音菩萨像在那里。
- the Buddha and the Patriarchs 佛祖
- The seven buddhas and the Buddha Maitreya on the upper part of the Song-qing Pagoda. 石塔上七佛与弥勒展开图。
- Just take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. 就是要皈依三宝,因为佛、法、僧三宝是一体的,有佛才有法,有法才有僧。
- Feature the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and the Buddha's warriors. 对啊。佛啊、菩萨啊、金刚的图像。
- When you have a good will, the Buddhas and the Bodhisattvas see it. When you have an ill will, the devil sees it and the karmic retribution finds it. 一念善心佛陀看得到,菩萨看得到一点恶意魔鬼看得到,业报看得到。
- It's none of your business, and the Buddha has promised me. 关你们什麽事,反正菩萨已经答应了我。
- The Buddha was amiable and enlightened. 释迦哞尼和蔼开朗。
- Buddhists adopted the term as an epithet for the Buddha and his arahant disciples. 佛教常以此作为佛陀和他的阿罗汉弟子的一个别称。
- Then, Mara knowing what the Buddha thought by use of his own mind, approached the Buddha and urged him to exercise rulership righteously. 然后,恶魔以其心而知道佛陀的想法,向佛陀怂恿以正法统治。
- The Buddha's heir, aware and mindful. 以正念明觉,为佛陀的法的继承人。
- The Buddhist scriptures say that you are the Buddha and that the Buddha Nature is inside you. 佛经上记载:你们就是佛,内在都有佛性。
- First, regarding going for Refuge to the Buddha, you show reverence to the Buddha and their representatives. 第一皈依了佛,就应该对佛和他们的象徵心怀尊敬。
- What they had done showed their devoutness to the Buddha and their low awareness as well. 足见,他们的觉悟是最低的。
- And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom. 而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。
- There are many references to stupas for the Buddha and arahats throughout the entire Mahayana literature. 在整个大乘文献中,有很多关于佛陀和阿罗汉浮图的参考资料。
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- He approached the Buddha and said to him: “May be you've seen my oxen, ascetic? 他走向佛陀说:‘沙门,也许你已经看到我的牛了吧!’