- He owns a detailed miniature of the Titanic. 他有一艘泰坦尼克号的精致小模型。
- The Titanic and all her crew were in Davy Jones's locker. 泰坦尼克号及其全体船员均都葬身鱼腹。
- In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days. 在阿拉摩战役中,不满二百人的守军在十二天内击退了几千墨西哥人一次又一次的进攻。
- Four days after the Titanic set out, a very big iceberg floated towards her. 泰坦尼克号出发四天以后,一座巨大的冰山向它漂来。
- The large ship, the Titanic with2,207 people went down on her maiden voyage. 装载2,207人的大船--泰坦尼克号首航就沉入海底。
- the Alamo; the Titanic . 阿拉摩纪念碑;铁达尼号船
- Here is a story about the large ship, the Titanic. 这儿有一个故事,是关于一艘叫泰坦尼克号的大轮船的,
- Did the captain of the Titanic cry? 铁达尼号的船长有哭吗?
- the Alamo;the Titanic. 阿拉摩纪念碑;铁达尼号船
- The 'Titanic' went to the bottom, ie sank. ‘提坦’号客轮沉入海底了.
- The Titanic collided with the floating iceberg. 泰坦尼克号撞到了海上 漂浮的冰山.
- They then occupied the Alamo building. 随后他们占领了阿拉莫建筑。
- We answer a question about The Alamo... 本周节目要回答关于阿拉莫之战的一个问题;
- The movie soundtrack of the Titanic was sold out. 《泰坦尼克号》的电影原声带卖光了。
- "I'm guessing you mean the Alamo? “你是要去阿拉莫吧?”
- The titan of twentieth-century chemistry. 第20世纪的化学的巨人。
- The Alamo is now preserved by Texas as a state park. 现在阿拉摩被德州人保存下来作为州立公园。
- The defense of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men. 白杨保卫战是英雄们的壮举。
- In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulsed the attacks by thousands of Mexicans in twelve days. 在阿拉摩战役中,不满二百人的守军在十二天内击退了几千墨西哥人一次又一次的进攻。
- The defence of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men. 艾勒摩防御战是勇者的英雄作为。