- The youth of China should see the May 4th Movement in this light. 全中国的青年,应该这样去认识五四运动。
- Long live the great unity of all the youth of China! 全中国的青年大团结万岁!
- The youth of the country are being ignored by politicians. 这个国家的青年没有受到政治家的重视。
- In ancient times the youth of China who studied under a sage neither learned revolutionary theory nor took part in labour. 中国古代在圣人那里读书的青年们,不但没有学过革命的理论,而且不实行劳动。
- The youth of China performed their duties very well in the long years of revolutionary struggle of the past and in construction of recent years. 在过去长期的革命斗争和近年来的建设工作中,中国青年已经有了良好的表现。
- The youth of today are very lively. 现在的青年充满生气。
- On December 31, 2000, the youth of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea jointly broke a Guinness record by erecting more than 3.4 million dominoes. 2000年12月31日,由中、日、韩三国青年参加的码放340多万张多米诺骨牌活动,刷新了吉尼斯世界纪录。
- The youth of our country have[has] lofty ideals. 我国的青年有崇高的理想。
- The writer had said that the youth of China must not be idlers living only for enjoyment; they ought to lead a Spartan existence. 那位作者在文章里说,生在现代的中国青年并不是奢侈品,他们不是来享乐,是来受苦的。
- This is because the youth of China have not only the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the support of the democratic parties and patriots without party affiliation,but also their own glorious revolutionary tradition. 这是因为,中国青年不仅有中国共产党的领导,有各民主党派和无党派的爱国人士的关怀,而且有自己的光荣的革命传统。
- The youth of Yenan have achieved solidarity and unity. 延安的青年们是团结的,是统一的。
- This is what the youth of the whole country must strive for. 全国青年应当为此而努力。
- To be warmed by it still, look for the youth of the world. 感觉它依然还在的温暖,去寻找那世界的青春时光。
- Forty is the old age of youth,fifty is the youth of old age. 四十是青年的老年,五十是老年的青年。
- The old age of an eagle is Better than the youth of a sparrow. 年老的苍鹰胜过年幼的麻雀。
- The youths of the country are up in arms. 全国青年已全武装起来了。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- The youth of our country are often compared to the rising sun. 我国的青年常被比作初升的太阳。
- It's necessary to instil the minds of the youth with lofty ideals. 把崇高理想灌输到年青人的思想中去是很必要的。
- The youth of today are breaking all the rules set by their parents. 现在的年轻人正在不断破坏父辈立下的规矩。