- He wiped up the spilt milk on the wooden floor. 他揩掉了泼在地板上的牛奶。
- The fire quickly consumed the wooden hut. 火焰很快地吞噬了那所小木屋。
- The wooden floor has a noticeable slant. 这木地板可以看得出有些倾斜。
- He hung his coat on the wooden peg. 他把上衣挂在木钉上。
- He inserted the wooden peg into the hole. 他将木栓嵌入洞中。
- The wooden frame warped in the humidity. 木架结构因受潮而弯曲
- I crossed the river by the wooden bridge. 我由一座木桥过了河。
- The wooden structure enclosing an ice hockey rink. 护板冰球场的木质围板
- The wooden ball is heavier than the cotton one. 木球比棉球要重。
- the wooden pillar 表木
- The wooden beams were fortified with steel rods. 木梁由钢条所加固。
- In the more primitive "Cyllenian" herms, the standing stone or wooden pillar was frankly simply a phallus. 在更多的原始“柱状”赫密士,屹立的石头或者木柱坦白来说仅仅是代表阴茎。
- Parts of the wooden support of the house had been gnawed away. Immediate repair was essential. 房屋的木质支架己有几处被蛀空,必须立即进行修理。
- The wooden box is big enough to cased you. 这木箱子大得足以装下你。
- He wiped up the spilt milk on the wooden floor . 他揩掉了泼在地板上的牛奶。
- The wooden hut was consumed by fire. 木屋给火烧掉了。
- I used a piece of rag to dust the wooden furniture. 我用一块抹布擦拭木制家具上的灰尘。
- The rat gnaweda hole in the wooden box. 老鼠在木箱子上咬了个洞。
- The wooden house was quickly ablaze. 这木屋很快就烧起来了。
- He walked along the wooden pier and climbed down into the boat. 他沿著木码头走过去并爬上了船。