- the wisdom of our progenitors. 祖先的智慧
- The world all around us is witness to the wisdom of our Father. 我们周围的世界就是我们的天父的智慧的见证。
- Events were to prove the wisdom of their decision. 这些事情都可证明他们的决定是正确的。
- The wisdom of our sages and blood of our heroes have been devoted to their attainment. 我们圣哲们之智慧,我们英雄们之鲜血,都曾奉献出来实现这些原则。
- Of the wisdom of this maxim Mr. Slope was ignorant. 斯洛普先生对这句至理名言的明智之处一无所知。
- The wisdom of our sages and blood of our heroes have been devoted to the attainment principles. 我们圣哲们之智慧,我们英雄们之鲜血,都曾奉献出来实现这些原则。
- It took me almost thirty years to realize the greatness of Temmoku glaze and the wisdom of our ancestors. 我花了二、三十年的岁月研究它,才了解天目的尊贵与古人的智慧。
- At seven years old, she had the wisdom of Solomon. 她才7岁,就有了所罗门的智慧。
- Our Nation has flourished because of its commitment to trusting the wisdom of our citizenry. 我们的国家之所以能够蓬勃发展,正是因为我们充分信任人民的智慧。
- The wisdom of art consists in concealing art. 我们可以在隐藏的技巧中看出艺术的智慧来。
- The wisdom of the people is inexhaustible. 人民的智慧是无穷无尽的。
- If they would have linked it to the wisdom of our great grandfathers, people might have been more alert and thus less casualties and dead toll. 如果他们能够受到伟大祖先的智慧的启发,人们会更警惕,也不至有如此惨重的人员伤亡。
- Drink deep of the wisdom of experienced people. 要尽力吸收有阅历的人的知识。
- Thank God for the iron in the blood of our fathers, the men who upheld the wisdom of Lincoln and bore sword or rifle in the armies of Grant! 感谢主给了我们先辈钢铁般的意志,他们支持了林肯总统的英明抉择,拿起了刀枪加入了格兰特将军的队伍。
- Hark ye, O man, to the wisdom of magic. 听呀,哦人类,倾听魔法的智慧。
- The wisdom of human society to develop fundamental. 智慧是人类社会得以发展的根本。
- By turning back to the wisdom of the Stoic philosophers, we may find a helpful way of tempering some of our expectations and dampening our shock at disasters and bloodshed. 回顾一下斯多噶学派哲人的智慧,我们或许能找到一种有益的方法,从而调节我们的种种期望,并减轻灾难和流血带来的震惊。
- I ever edified the wisdom of Dao epoch to Laozi. 我曾启迪老子以道纪的智慧。
- We have imbibed the wisdom of Babylon vastly. 我们大量的吸取了巴比伦的智慧.
- Each Priestess and Priest shall choose their own consorts, yet let them be wise in the learning of our people, and thus others shall abide by the wisdom of their choice. 每位女司祭与司祭应当选择他们自己的伴侣,让他们在我们人民的学习中成为有见识的,从而其他人应等待他们选择的智慧。