- the wide open sky 开阔的天空
- He was watching the red flames in the wide open fireplace. 他注视着敞着的宽大壁炉里的熊熊火焰。
- He liked the wide open spaces of the Australian countryside. 他喜欢澳大利亚乡间广袤的开阔地。
- I can't wait to go out into the wide open spaces. It'll be great to unwind. 我巴不得现在就到广阔的田野里去。能轻松一下简直太好了。
- The wide receiver was wide open when the quarterback threw him the ball. 当四分卫传给外接球员时,他身旁什么人也没有。
- The door to the divan was wide open. 会议厅的门大开著。
- He is a man of few words wearing a big hat and riding a horse under the wide open skies of America's West. 他是一个沉默寡言的人,戴着大大的帽子,骑着高头大马驰骋在美国西部广阔的蓝天下。
- Rumei: I can't wait to go out into the wide open spaces. It'll be great to unwind. 如梅:我巴不得现在就到广阔的田野里去。能轻松一下简直太好了。
- Rumei: I cannot wait to go out into the wide open spaces. It'll be great to unwind. 如梅:我巴不得现在就到广阔的田野里去。能轻松一下简直太好了。
- Teeing off in the wide open spaces is a great release from the pressures of city life. 在宽阔的地方开球,很能消除城市生活的压力。
- Architecturally, the financial success of the enterprise is symbolised by the wide open access gates. 从建筑表现上说,该企业业务成功的象征是“大开的门”。
- The wide brim of his hat shadowed his face. 他的大帽檐的影子映在他的脸上。
- Combining all the moral qualities of the sturdy yeoman, the pioneer typically enjoyed the wide open spaces found in the vast American heartland. 拓荒者继承了历史上坚强的自由民的各种品质,喜欢在无边无际的北美内陆地带享有自己的一片广阔天地。
- The outer door is wide open but the inner one is locked. 外边的门敞开着,但里面的门锁着。
- It reminded of the brook smoothly winding towards the grassland ,hiding in the shadow of the woods, then running into the wide open sea. 它使人想起一条平静的溪流,蜿蜒畅游过绿茵的草场,浓荫遮蔽,最后注入烟波浩渺的汪洋大海;
- WHY is Sura and EVERYONE else from the Rockets guards keeps penetrating instea of taking the wide open jump shot? Are they really that afraid of missing the shot? 小丁最好的一点就是不贪功,和老将一起打当蓝领,今天几个小将在一打,他还是当苦力,其实他的进攻实力比起几个年轻的好的太多
- Dongfeng hydropower station is open ski spillway. 东风水电站溢洪道为明流滑雪式溢洪道。
- Looking up at the open sky, he suddenly cheered up. 仰望碧天,他的心情豁然开朗。
- A sense of mystery stole over him as he looked out on the wide sea. 他向宽广的大海望去,一种神秘感油然而生。
- Powerful units like Tripods, Devastators, and the awesome Planetary Assault Carrier can make short work of your enemy's forces in the wide open spaces of this map. 强大的单位,比如三脚,毁灭者和可怕的行星攻击母舰,由于这张地图的开阔空间可以在短时间消灭敌人的部队。