- I sometimes like to work until the wee hours of the morning. 我有时喜欢工作到凌晨时分。
- Starting in the wee hours of the morning, the planes descend from all over the country into the Memphis airport. 从黎明的早晨开始,来自全国各地的飞机就陆续在孟菲斯机场降落。
- The agreement was signed in the wee hours of August4. 协议是在八月四日凌晨签署的。
- All Ramadan action takes place around the Hippodrome, which becomes the arena of post-fasting entertainment until the wee hours of the morning. 斋月的所有活动都在跑马场附近举行,这里变成了每天开斋后娱乐项目的竞技场,并且一直持续到凌晨。
- Only just over 20, this young woman can be found every night slaving away until the wee hours of the morning in the school's workshop. 这位二十出头的年轻女孩,几乎天天在学校的工作室奋斗到半页三更。
- The agreement was signed in the wee hours of August 4. 协议是在八月四日凌晨签署的。
- Father lay awake through the wee hours in the morning. 午夜后的几个小时父亲一直睡不着。
- the wee hours of the morning 凌晨一两点钟
- " The programmers, now satisfied, began to come in a noon and work to the wee hours of the morning. ,程序员们这下满意了,他们中午上班,一修真魔法师传奇直工作到凌晨。
- They banqueted until the early hours of the morning. 他们的宴会一直继续到凌晨。
- in the wee hours of the morning 在凌晨
- In the wee hours of one morning, my English friends took me to the rooftop of one of Univs buildings to watch the sun rise over the beautiful Oxford skyline. 一天凌晨下半夜,我的英国朋友们带我来到大学学院一幢大楼的楼顶,去观赏太阳在美丽的牛津市天际升起的那一刻。
- the wee hours of the morning. 凌晨一、二、三点钟
- In this way, the terrible hours of the morning lengthened out. 可怕的早晨就这样一个钟头一个钟头地拖过去。
- The world will never be perfect, in the wee hours of a winter, I expressed to her lover's heart: salmon, I would like to ask you my wife. 这个世界永远不会是完美的,在一个冬天的深夜里我向她表达了爱慕之心,说:鱼儿,我想请你做我的妻子。
- He often stays up late till the wee hours. 他常常到凌晨才睡觉。
- Eloy Anzola-You alawys went the extra mile to make everything run smoothly.Thank you for keeping a great attitude while recording into the wee hours of the night! 你总是留有余地,让每件事情都能顺利进行。感谢你在连夜录制的时候仍保持如此好的状态!
- The bird-song is the echo of the morning light back from the earth. 鸟的歌声是曙光从大地反响过去的回声。
- You'll find me here at any hour of the day. 你可以看到我整天任何时候都在这。
- We waited until the small hours of the morning,but he didn't come. 我们一直等到凌晨两、三点钟,但他没有来。