- I'm now the vice president of my Lutheran church. 我现在是我所在的路德教堂的副会长。
- I was the vice president of Good Harvest Corporation. 我曾经是“丰收”公司的副总裁。
- What is the name of the Vice President of the United States? 现任美国副总统的名字是甚么?
- The vice president is in a state of poor health. 副总统健康状况不佳。
- Chris Haas, vice president of sales, said the Findlay plant will produce similar products. 克里斯哈斯,销售副总裁说,芬尼利工厂将生产类似的产品。
- Thompson joined Sonoco in 2006 as division vice president of sales and marketing, IPD, North America. 汤普森加入索诺科司在2006年作为副总统的销售和市场营销,知识产权署,北美洲。
- The vice president was elevated to president of the company. 该公司的副董事长被擢升为董事长。
- The company has been growing at a double-digit pace for the past three years, according to Rodger Moody, vice president of sales. 该公司一直在增长以两位数的速度在过去三年里,根据罗杰穆迪公司销售副总裁。
- By age 28,John Hersey was the vice President of a $1billion bank . 28岁时,约翰.赫希就已经是一家拥有上亿美元资产的银行副总裁。
- Currently, Mr.Zhang Quan is the vice president of GDS. 现任GDS万国数据服务有限公司副总裁。
- Lorenz has more than 27 years of industry experience and most recently served as MarquipWardUnited’s Vice President of Sales. 洛伦兹有更多 超过27年的行业经验和最近担任 MarquipWardUnited销售副总裁。
- The vice president had to dodge flying tomatoes. 副总统不得不闪躲飞来的番茄。
- The vice president was the president's successor. 副总统是总统的继任人。
- Was the Vice President of Yinchuan Painting and Calligraphy Academy. 曾任银川书画院副院长。
- The vice president of marketing has handed in his letter of resignation. 负责营销的副总经理已经递交了辞呈。
- The middle one is Mr. XXX, the vice president of XXX (company name), Welcome. 中间这位是XXX公司(集团)副总经理,XXX先生。欢迎。
- "If I was Cisco I'd definitely be wondering what's going on," said Jamie Vost, vice president of sales at Novanis Enterprise Solutions, a Springfield, Ill.-based solution provider. “如果我是思科,我一定会想想到底是怎么回事,”方案商Novanis公司销售副总裁JamieVost说。
- I had an appointment with the Vice President of ABC company, but it turned out to be a no show. 我和ABC公司的副总裁有约,但他让我空等了。
- The Vice President is also the President of the Senate, but votes only in the case of a tie vote in the Senate. 副总统也是参议院的首脑,但只能在参议院投票出现平局时投票。
- In the meantime she takes up other social positions like the vice president of Liaoning Overseas Friends Sodality. 同时出任辽宁省海外联谊会副会长等多项社会职务。