- The Franco-German war completed the unification of Germany. 普法战争完成了德国的统一。
- The Franco - German war completed the unification of Germany . 普法战争完成了德国的统一。
- The Franco - German war completed the unification of Germany. 普法战争完成了德国的统一。
- Therefore, Bismarck’s foreign policy had played an important even decisive role to the unification of Germany. 因此,俾斯麦的外交策略对德意志的统一起了重要甚至是决定性的作用。
- Prussia, the leader of the Zollverein, utilized the organization to control the middle and small states of Germany, push the Austria aside and defeat it at last, and then for the first time realized the unification of Germany by the Small Germany Road. 普鲁士是关税同盟的盟主,它利用该同盟控制了中小邦国,排挤、打败了奥地利的势力,以“小德意志道路”实现了德国的第一次民族统一。
- As secret agents in the former, Communist-controlled East Germany were regarded by West Germany as traitors, their position was precarious, to say the least, after the fall of the Soviet Union and the unification of Germany. 由于前共产党控制的东德的特务被西德认为是卖国贼,因此在苏联垮台和德国统一以后,他们的地位至少可以说是不稳固的。
- Before the unification of the two Germanys, the former USSR stationed about 380,000 soldiers in the former Democratic Republic of Germany. 两德统一前,原苏联在前民主德国驻扎约38万军队。
- The unification of Italy resulted in a single country instead of several kingdoms. 意大利统一的结果是出现了一个国家,而不是好几个王国。
- Realistic politics of Bismarck and the unification of Germany 俾斯麦的现实政治与德国的统一
- The Franco-German war completed the unification of germany 普法战争完成了德国的统一。
- Signal is the unification of signan and designatum. 符号是能指和所指的统一体。
- On Realism Diplomatic Strategies of Bismarck and the Unification of Germany 论俾斯麦的现实主义外交策略与德国统一
- We have long demanded the unification of the whole country. 我们早就要求全国统一。
- It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are of ten scattered, uneconomical, unequal. 将现在常常是分散不经济、不平等的救济活动统一起来有助于任务的完成。
- the unification of Germany 德国的统一
- He looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays. 他期待节假日家庭的联合。
- Ideal literary education is the unification of aesthetic and enlightenment. 理想的文学教育应该是这种广义的启蒙与审美的统一。
- The construction of courses should emphasize the unification of voc... 建立与素质教育理念相一致的评价与考试制度。
- You must clean out the remainder of Germany. 你们必须扫荡残余之德军。
- You can't equate the education system of Britain to that of Germany. 不能把英国教育制度与德国教育制度等同起来。