- the underprivileged studeuts 贫困生
- She worked for the well-being of the underprivileged. 她为下层贫困民众的福利而努力。
- Secondly: that we help the underprivileged. 第二,我们应帮助弱势的社群。
- The underprivileged need special support from the government. 那些贫困者需要政府的特别支持。
- Survey on the Behavioral Conditions of The Underprivileged Group in Terms of Sports in Chinese Cities. 城市体育弱势群体的行为状况分析。
- A participant mentioned that the underprivileged groups, including youths and women organizations, should be added. 有嘉宾提及应该增加一些弱势社群的代表,包括青年人或妇女团体。
- The Shillong Chamber Choir also has a little home school for the underprivileged children. 西隆合唱团还为穷苦人家的儿童修建了一所小小的家庭学校。
- Nevertheless, I yearned for a career that would also give me the chance to help the underprivileged. 可是,我渴望着获得一份职业,使我有机会帮助社会底层的人民。
- Cathay Pacific has also donated AYO concert tickets to local community groups for the underprivileged children to take part in the concert. 国泰航空亦捐赠音乐会门券予本地弱势社群的儿童出席音乐会。
- Groups and individuals offered donations and help to our frontline staff, to the families of victims, to the underprivileged. 公民团体和市民都组织了支援行动,关怀前线医务人员,帮助受害者家庭和弱势社群。
- That evening, another group of fellow practitioners went to The Peace Abode, a halfway house for the underprivileged in Taipei, where they were warmly welcomed by the residents. 当天晚上,另一批同修前往台北市游民中途之家平安居探访,同样也受到游民热情的欢迎与肯定。
- The unreserved support of its membership and friends of the medical profession has endeavored to alleviate the sufferings of the sick, the poor and the underprivileged. 获得会员及医疗界同业的无限量支持,我们对病患者、贫困和低下阶层人士的困苦,稍作舒缓。
- To ensure the education opportunities for the underprivileged, scholarships and subsidies from various organizations are offered to students under poverty line. 为了保障弱势民众的教育机会,各界机构都提供清寒学生奖学金或补助。
- Blind Woman's VisionShe fought for women’s rights, crusaded for the causes of workers, promoted equality for minorities, and championed the underprivileged and the oppressed. 她为女权而战、投身工人事业、促进弱势团体平等权利、支持受苦和受压迫的人。
- She fought for women's rights, crusaded for the causes of workers, promoted equality for minorities, and championed the underprivileged and the oppressed. 她为女权而战、投身工人事业、促进弱势团体平等权利、支持受苦和受压迫的人。
- To encourage the participation of the underprivileged in this event, the Centre outsourced the making and delivery of the hampers to Richmond Fellowship. 采购社会企业贺年企业礼篮,实践企业社会责任,请即登入下列网页了解四款贺篮详情。
- The pirates are not philanthropists helping the underprivileged, but profit-seeking criminals who provide useless or harmful medications with very few legal repercussions. 假冒伪劣商家不是帮助底层的慈善家,而是唯利是图,提供无效、有害和非法药品的的罪犯。
- To understand judicial equality, we can't skirt round another related problem, which is the protection of the rights of the underprivileged class in the judicial course. 而探求司法平等,就不能回避与之密切相关的另一个问题,即弱势群体在司法过程中的权利保护。
- After miraculously recovering, he gave free clinics to the underprivileged people in Montreal and started up free art classes for students during the Great Depression. 在奇迹般地康复后,他在蒙特利尔开设免费诊所为贫困人士看病,并且在大萧条期间为学生开设免费艺术课。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。