- The trustee is the person to whom the trust property is given. 受托人是指财产接受者。
- Article27 The trustee must not change the trust property into his inherent property. 第二十七条受托人不得将信托财产转为其固有财产。
- The trust property of public trust and its proceeds must not be used for non-public purposes. 第六十三条公益信托的信托财产及其收益,不得用于非公益目的。
- The trustee shall be responsible for paying trust benefits to the beneficiaries within the limit of the trust property. 第三十四条受托人以信托财产为限向受益人承担支付信托利益的义务。
- Upon appointment the trustee must familiarise themselves with the terms of the trust instrument and the nature of the trust property. 被指定为信托人后必须熟悉信托证书中的条款和信托财产的性质。
- Article 27 The trustee must not change the trust property into his inherent property. 第二十七条受托人不得将信托财产转为其固有财产。
- A trustee has power to do all acts necessary for the protection and administration of the trust property. 受托人有权采取一切必要的措施来保护和管理信托财产。
- The property obtained by the trustee through administering, using or disposing of the trust property or by other means falls within trust assets. 受托人因信托财产的管理运用、处分或者其他情形而取得的财产,也归入信托财产。
- If the duties and responsibilities of any of the joint trustees end, the trust property shall be managed and disposed of by other trustees. 第四十二条共同受托人之一职责终止的,信托财产由其他受托人管理和处分。
- If the trustee has paid in advance with his inherent property, he has the priority right to get compensation from the trust property. 受托人以其固有财产先行支付的,对信托财产享有优先受偿的权利。
- The trustee may bear the expenses and debts to the third party incurred from the handling of trust affairs with the trust property. 第三十七条受托人因处理信托事务所支出的费用、对第三人所负债务,以信托财产承担。
- The trustee shall bear liability of compensation if he violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph and causes losses to the trust property. 受托人违反前款规定,造成信托财产损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
- The Corporation shall handle trust matters in the best interests of the Beneficiary and exercise prudence in the management of the Trust Property. 第三十条信托投资公司应当以受益人的最大利益为宗旨处理信托事务,并谨慎管理信托财产。
- If the trust property is enforced against the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the trustor, trustee or beneficiary has the right to make an objection to the people's court. 对于违反前款规定而强制执行信托财产,委托人、受托人或者受益人有权向人民法院提出异议。
- The creditor's right obtained by the trustee through the management, utilization and disposition of the trust property must not offset the debt caused by his inherent property. 第十八条受托人管理运用、处分信托财产所产生的债权,不得与其固有财产产生的债务相抵销。
- The trustee must not take advantage of the trust property to seek profits for his own except getting remuneration according to the provisions of this Law. 第二十六条受托人除依照本法规定取得报酬外,不得利用信托财产为自己谋取利益。
- The trustor has the right to consult, write down or duplicate the trust accounts relating to his trust property and other documents relating to the handling of trust affairs. 委托人有权查阅、抄录或者复制与其信托财产有关的信托帐目以及处理信托事务的其他文件。
- In administering the trust property, the trustee shall be careful in performing his duties and fulfill his obligations with honesty, good faith, prudence and efficiency. 受托人管理信托财产,必须恪尽职守,履行诚实、信用、谨慎、有效管理的义务。
- The liquidating group shall properly keep the trust property, prepare a report on handling trust affairs and hand over trust property to the new assignee. 清算组应当妥善保管信托财产,作出处理信托事务的报告并向新受托人办理信托财产的移交。
- The trustee shall report the management, utilization and disposition of the trust property and the income and expenses to the trustor and the beneficiary regularly every year. 受托人应当每年定期将信托财产的管理运用、处分及收支情况,报告委托人和受益人。