- The omission of this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight. 第三版漏印这一章是个大疏忽。
- The omission of this chapter from the third edition is a gross oversight. 第三版漏印这一章是个大疏忽。
- The omissionof this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight. 第三版漏印这一章是个大疏忽。
- The third edition just came out and is a wonderful book, highly recommended. 刚刚推出的第三版是一本极其优秀的书籍,我极力推荐。
- The third edition,containing about 30 000 entries,was published in September 1998. 第三版收词约三万条,于一九九八年九月出版。
- The official draw for the third edition of the AFC President's Cup will take place today at the PFF House, here. 2007年第3届亚足联主席杯官方抽签分组仪式,订于2月3日在巴基斯坦足协举行。
- In 1989,IETF released the first edition of BGP protocol,then the second edition in the next year,in 1991 released the third edition. 1989年,IETF发表了BGP协议的第一个版本,次年发表了第二版,1991发表了第三版。
- The third edition, containing about 30 000 entries, was published in September 1998. 第三版收词约三万条,于一九九八年九月出版。
- Details of the changes between the third edition and fourth edition are give in Annexes B. 附录B中给出了本标准第三版和第四版之间的改变细节。
- Integrity of the third edition of software engineering courseware authoring zhang hai fan from Tsinghua University Publishing House. 软件工程完整第三版的课件,张海藩编著,由清华大学出版社出版。
- Starting with the third edition, Darwin prefaced the introduction with a historical sketch that traced the development of evolutionary ideas. 达尔文从第三版开始写序言,追溯进化思想的发展简史。
- He will come to see you on the third of April. 他将于四月三日来看你。
- There are some vacant offices on the third floor. 四楼有几间空著的办公室。
- China belongs to the third world country. 中国属于第三世界国家。
- At the end of 1999, the finished photo base maps are included 1.Analog mapping with a total of 15,160 sheets: (1) the first edition 3,773 sheets, the second edition 2,000 sheets, and the third edition 2,400 sheets in Taiwan area. 迄至八十八年底为止,完成之像片基本图包括:一、类比制图15,160幅:(一)冶湾地区第一版像片基本图3,773幅、第二版2,000幅、第三版2,400幅;
- At the end of the third scene the actress exits. 该女演员于第三场结束时退场。
- "The first face is a bank, the second face just show the whole picture, that is, enterprises, and has not yet face the third edition, that is, consumer debt and consumer retrenchment. “第一张脸是银行,第二张脸刚刚现出全貌,就是企业,而第三张脸尚未现形,也就是消费者债务和消费紧缩。”
- It's the third house on your right. 就在你右边的第三座房子。
- Know anything about the third wave? 知道“第三次浪潮”吗?
- Will Spurs be relegated to the third division? 斯珀尔斯队会降为丙级队吗?