- the tendency poetic dramas 元代戏剧美学
- The tendency precipitates into observable motion. 这种倾向以可以观察到的运动形式呈现出来。
- The tendency manifested itself in many ways. 这个趋势以许多种方式出现。
- The tendency of fluids to diffuse in such a manner. 液体以此种方式扩散的倾向。
- The tendency is toward higher prices. 物价趋向于上涨。
- The theme of the opera varies greatly from that of Faustus, the poetic drama. 但歌剧的主题与诗剧主题有着很大的差别。
- The tendency to seek such mistreatment. 受虐倾向寻找被虐待机会的倾向
- Having the tendency or ability to change; variable. 多变的有变化的倾向或能力的;变化的
- The tendency was rather towards Deism. 他们总体趋向于是自然神论者:宇宙生生不息,自律自动,但是上帝是自然运动的第一推动力。
- As a model of historical play, it is imitated in lots of long poetic dramas by literary men after Yongzheng Emperor. 作为历史剧的典范,《桃花扇》成为雍正以后众多文人传奇模仿的对象。
- Poetic drama with a combination of the proudest achievements of this period: drama and literature. 诗同剧的结合产生了这一时期文学最骄傲的成果:诗剧。
- This paper analyzed the poetic drama and evaluated the character figuration and its meanings in light of play plots. 本文结合剧本情节,对人物塑造及其意义进行分析、评价。
- They tried to stop the tendency of inflation. 他们设法阻止住了通货膨胀的势头。
- His country life developed the tendency in him. 乡居生活助长了他的这种怪癖。
- The key to the maturation of northern drama is the establishment of system that set poetic drama to music,the forefather of which is Zhu Gong Tune in North Song Dynasty. 北曲杂剧成熟的关键是曲牌联套音乐体制的确立,形成于北宋时期的诸宫调是北曲的不祧之祖,而其由词调向曲调的转化是在金代多民族音乐融会变革的历史进程中完成的。
- The tendency of events is towards peace. 大势趋向和平。
- The tendency to spread, as of a doctrine, influence, or emotional state. 感染力蔓延扩散的倾向,如学说、影响或情绪等
- Most of modem legendary poetic dramas are issued in the newspapers and magazines, push forward the creative states of minds of dramatists, the materials and systems of dramas to change. 近代传奇杂剧作品绝大多数在报刊杂志上发表,推动了传奇杂剧作家创作心态、作品题材、体制乃至接受方式的近代转型。
- The tendency of such a ball to swerve. 拐弯球路上述球突然转弯的倾向
- Nevertheless, the tendency is there. 但是无论如何,这个倾向是有的。