- The meaning of exergy analysis in iron &steel industry, especially in the system of ironmaking is represented and the exergy analysis model of process is established. 摘要阐述了钢铁工业特别是炼铁系统开展(火用)分析的意义,并建立了工序的(火用)分析模型。
- With the application of the model, the exergy efficiency and the exergy loss in the system of ironmaking (sintering, spheric, ironmaking) is analyzed and direction and path of energy conservation are described. 应用该模型,分析了铁前各工序(烧结、球团、炼铁工序)的(火用)效率、(火用)损失,指出了铁前工序的节能方向和途径。
- The system of conveying mail by aircraft. 航空邮政用飞机运送邮件的系统
- We must understand the system of data presentation. 我们必须懂得表示数据的一套办法。
- The system of sounds of a particular language. 语音体系某一特定语言的声音体系
- The System of interrogating prisoners . 录囚制度等。
- It was difficult to end the system of slavery before the Civil War because the people who owned the slaves had a vested interest in keeping it. 美国南北战争以前,要废除奴隶制度是因难的,因为维持这一制度的人有既得利益。
- The system of OCM becomes more systemic and open. 4.组织职业生涯管理具有了系统性和开放性的特征。
- The system has combined process control with logistics management,and given the decision support for the system optimization of ironmaking production. 该系统将工艺控制与物流管制相结合,为炼铁生产的系统优化提供决策支持。
- His theory predicates the system of the universe. 他的理论断定宇宙有体系。
- We are against the systems of the TMD and NMD. 我们反对美国的战区导弹防御系统和国家导弹防御系统。
- The system of refunding taxes on exported goods. 出口退税制度。
- Inform the system of his destination by phone. 通过电话告知系统将前往的目的地。
- the system of ironmaking 炼铁系统
- Research on the System of Stock Co., Ltd. 股份有限公司制度研究。
- Improve the system of public servants. 健全公务员制度。
- Proceeding from the analysis of ironmaking process,the decision support system of logistics management and production optimize has been made based on several function model. 从炼铁生产过程分析入手,在功能模型的基础上建立了物流管制及生产优化决策支持系统。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Improving the system of decision-making? 民主科学决策。
- Improving the system of legal supervision. 完善法制监督体系。