- the supreme of imperal power 君权至上
- The supreme of our time is the vulnerability of our plant . 我们这个时代最高的觉悟,便是地球的脆弱。
- The supreme power of the Roman emperor. 罗马皇帝至高无上的权力
- The general was girded with the supreme power. 将军被授予最高权力。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
- It was the supreme moment in his life. 那是他一生中最重要的时刻。
- This is the supreme danger of our times. 这是我们时代最大的危险。
- Mozart was, after all, not a mere purveyor of music but one of the supreme dramatic geniuses of all time. 莫扎特毕竟不仅是作曲家,而且是空前的最大戏剧天才之一。
- Who wields the supreme power in that country? 谁掌握那个国家的最高权力?
- Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court now? 谁是目前最高法院首席大法官?
- Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? 何者为最高法院审判长?
- It's basic functions are to guarantee the supremeness of constitution, safeguard human rights, restrict the power, coordinate and dissolve the power conflicts. 它具有保证宪法的至上性、保障人权、制约权力和协调、化解权力冲突的基本功能。
- The safety of the people is the supreme law. 人民的安全是最高的法律。
- What are the duties of the Supreme Court? 最高法院的权责?
- What is the supreme court law of the United States? 美国的最高法院法律?
- The supreme purpose of history is a better world. 历史至高的目的是让世界变得更美好。
- The supreme position of CR is RCP. 正中关系是一个范围,不是颌位。
- The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church. 教皇是罗马天主教的最高领袖。
- He is the supreme exponent of the English humorous essay. 他是英国幽默文章的重要代表。
- I handed up the indictment to the supreme court. 我把起诉书送交给最高法院。