- the sudden teaching event 突发性教学事件
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。
- The boy jumped up in surprise at the sudden noise. 突如其来的响声吓得这个男孩跳了起来。
- The sudden noise set the dog barking. 这突然的声响惊得狗汪汪叫起来。
- The sudden bang froze us in our tracks. 突然砰的一响,顿时把我们惊呆了。
- The sudden jolt plunged her forward. 突然颠了一下,她向前打了个趔趄。
- The sudden noise in the bushes startled her horse. 灌木丛中突如其来的响声把她的马吓惊了。
- The sudden sound of footsteps in silence made her blood run cold. 静寂中突然响起脚步声使她感到毛骨悚然。
- She was drenched by the sudden downpour. 她被那场突然下的倾盆大雨淋得湿透。
- The sudden noise put her off her game. 突如其来的嘈杂声分散了她比赛时的注意力。
- The sudden thaw means that spring is here. 一朝解冻,便是春天来到。
- The robbers stood aghast at the sudden appearance of the policemen. 警察人员的突然出现,使那几个盗贼大惊失色。
- Half of the vegetable freeze out in the sudden cold. 一半的蔬菜在突如其来的寒凉中冻死了。
- The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher. 老师突然进来把孩子们吓了一跳。
- She was dazzled by the sudden sunlight. 猛然的阳光使她目眩。
- The sudden bright lights in his eyes blinded him. 突然的强烈光射入他的双眼使他头昏眼花。
- The sudden hit knocked two teeth out of his mouth. 这突然的一击把他的牙齿打掉了两颗。
- The sudden fire undid months of hard work. 这场突如其来的大火把几个月的艰苦工作都毁了。
- The boxer doubled up at the sudden heavy blow. 拳击手被突然的一记重拳打弯了腰。
- He sprang to his feet at the sudden noise. 一听到这个突然的响声,他就跳起来。