- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- The impact of science on the civil subject system focuses on the materialization of human beings and the subject problem of inhuman existence. 摘要现代科技对主体制度的冲击,集中表现在科技加剧了人的物化现象,同时提出了非人类存在的主体性问题。
- The Education of MBA in China has already taken management economics as its academic class, while the construction of the subject system almost follows the western academic tradition. 中国的mba教育已将管理经济学列为其学位课程,但其学科体系的构建基本承袭了西方的学术传统。
- The basic systems of Knowledge Property Rights Protection Law are the subject system, object system and the protection system. 知识产权法最基本的制度是知识产权的主体制度、客体制度和知识产权的保护制度。
- On the basis of expounding the production and development of national sport of tradition, this paper makes a probe into establishing the subject system of national sport of tradition. 摘要本文在论述民族传统体育形成、发展的基础上,就建立民族传统体育学科体系问题作了探讨。
- I have no pretence to be an expert on the subject. 我并不自命是这方面的专家。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- He do not throw much fresh light on the subject. 关于这个问题他没有提供很多新的见解。
- That's all there is to be said on the subject. 关于这问题,要说的就这么多。
- Will power is the internal essence of legal subjects, but subjects constructed with the freedom of will are not the purpose of constructing the subject system itself. 意志能力是法律主体的内在本质,但用意志自由建构起来的主体,并不是建构主体制度本身的目的。
- His book is the best on the subject after mine. 他的书对这一问题的论述是最好的,仅次于我的书。
- He yapped on the subject for hours. 他就那个问题罗嗦了好几个钟头。
- I feel unqualified to speak on the subject. 我自觉无资格就此问题发言。
- The subject remains untouched upon. 这个题目仍然没有触及。
- The subject cropped up as we talked. 我们交谈时无意中涉及到了这个问题。
- This is the standard textbook on the subject. 这是这一科的权威性课本。
- I treated the subject in brief outline. 我简单地概述了那个问题。
- He refused to commit himself on the subject. 关於那个问题,他拒绝表明自己的态度。
- She knows the subject outside in. 她对这个问题了解得很透彻。
- If there are time, I can dilate on the subject. 要是有时间,我可以详细谈谈这个问题的。