- During the war, Romania and Bulgaria became the Allies of the Axis, while Yugoslavia, Greece and Albania were engaged in the struggle against fascism. 大战期间,罗马尼亚和保加利亚成为轴心国的同盟国,而南斯拉夫、希腊和阿尔巴尼亚则投身反法西斯的斗争。
- During World War II, in the struggle against fascism, the "UK-US special relationship" was initially established, to a large extent due to joint efforts of Roosevelt and Churchill. 第二次世界大战期间,为了联合对抗法西斯,在丘吉尔和罗斯福的共同努力下英美“特殊关系”初步建立。
- the struggle against fascism 反法西斯斗争
- They obstructed and opposed China's struggle against fascism and the Chinese people's revolution. 他们阻挠和反对中国的反法西斯斗争和人民革命。
- An anti-fascist united front for the sake of the common struggle against fascism is both necessary and possible not only in China but throughout the world. 不但在中国,而且在世界范围内,为了共同反对法西斯,建立反法西斯的统一战线也有了必需和可能。
- Lenin headed the struggle against opportunism. 列宁领导了反对机会主义的斗争。
- They joined the struggle against him. 他们参加了反对他的斗争。
- Now, in the mounting tide of nation-wide struggle against Japan and of world-wide struggle against fascism, just wars will spread all over China and the globe. 在目前的全中国抗日高潮和全世界反法西斯高潮中,义战将遍于全中国,全世界。
- The Chinese people's war of resistance against Japanese aggression,being part of the world-wide struggle against Fascism,received extensive support from people all over the world. 中国人民的抗日战争是世界反法西斯斗争的一部分,得到了世界人民的广泛支持。
- Now,in the mounting tide of nation-wide struggle against Japan and of world-wide struggle against fascism,just wars will spread all over China and the globe. 在目前的全中国抗日高潮和全世界反法西斯高潮中,义战将遍于全中国,全世界。
- But the struggle against bourgeois liberalization has not ended. 但是,反对资产阶级自由化的斗争还没有结束。
- They are getting united in the struggle against the aggressors. 在反对侵略者的斗争中他们日益团结。
- We all came off very well in the struggle against drought. 在抗旱斗争中我们大家都表现得很好。
- They are getting united in the struggle against the enemy. 他们在对敌斗争中日益团结。
- All peace-loving people are united in the struggle against war. 在反对战争中所有爱好和平的人们是团结一致的。
- We wish you strength in the struggle against war and imperialism. 我们希望你们加强反对战争和帝国主义的斗争。
- He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid. 他表扬了她在抵制种族隔离的斗争中所扮演的角色。
- The Chinese people's war of resistance against Japanese aggression, being part of the world-wide struggle against Fascism, received extensive support from people all over the world. 中国人民的抗日战争是世界反法西斯斗争的一部分,得到了世界人民的广泛支持。
- The struggle against bourgeois liberalization will last for at least 20 years. 反对资产阶级自由化至少还要搞二十年。
- We should enhance our understanding of the struggle against economic crime. 应该提得更高一点,看得更深一点,这样来认识同经济犯罪活动的斗争。