- He is by long odds the strongest of the candidates. 在候选人中,他无疑是最强的。
- The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
- We were dizzy by the strong wind. 我们被大风刮得头晕目眩。
- The strongest man does not necessarily live the longest. 最强壮的人未必活得最久。
- His eyes dazzled before the strong light. 他面对强光头晕目眩。
- The strong medicine made my head whirl. 这种烈性药使我头晕眼花。
- I want to complain in the strong term about the delay. 我要以最强烈的措词抗议这次耽误。
- She is one of the strongest opponents of tax reform. 她是税收改革最强烈的反对者之一。
- The strong wind blew down a number of trees in our block. 强风吹倒了本区几棵树。
- She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light. 她戴上墨镜以防强光的照射。
- Scorpio is the strongest of all the star signs. 天蝎座是所有星座里情感最强烈的一个。
- Our coach is the strongest presence on our team. 我们的教练在队上很具个人风采。
- I was surprised to find that the strong man liked to eat conserves. 我很惊讶地发现这个强壮的男人喜欢吃蜜饯。
- He spoke to me in the strongest terms. 他和我说话时,使用了最激烈的陈词。
- The strong wind puffed up dust along the road. 大风沿路吹起一阵阵的灰尘。
- the strongest cycle 最强圈
- The strong wind drifted the snow in piles. 大风将雪吹刮成堆。
- Never think yourself as the strongest and smartest. 永远不要以为自己是最强大的,最聪明的。
- A strong cycle of alternating booms and slumps has affected all types of development. 一个涨跌交替的有力周期已经影响了各种类型的发展。
- Racism in the strongest language in this article. 在这篇文章中作者用最严厉的语言谴责了种族主义。