- He had evidently returned to the spot of the crime. 他显然曾回到过犯罪现场。
- The spot of water evaporated in the sun. 水点在阳光下蒸发。
- The spot of water evaporated in the sun . 水点在阳光下蒸发。
- Or the spots of mud will be very conspicuous. 要不沾上的泥点会很显眼。
- the spot of earth 地方
- The second part is the high spot of this book. 第二部分是这本书的最精彩部分。
- The machine cast up a big heap of earth. 机器卷起了一大堆泥土。
- A pyramid of stones marked the spot. 那地点用一堆堆成金字塔形状的石头作了标记。
- Friction forces of earth acting on the anchor bar of bridge dais were measured for 20 hours on the spot. 本文对锚拉桥台的锚拉杆进行了长达20小时的现场监测试验。
- The excursion was the high spot of our holiday. 我们那个假日的最大乐趣是远足。
- An enormous battery was masked by sacks of earth at the spot where there now stands what is called the "Museum of Waterloo. 在今日所谓“滑铁卢陈列馆”的那地方,当日有过一大队炮兵隐蔽在沙袋后面。
- It seems as if he has been at the spot of the accident. 看样子他好象曾在事故现场呆过。
- The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth. 推土机把土堆铲平。
- The spots of intenser echoes on the endangiums had been detected. 受累血管内膜面粗糙,可测及斑片样稍强回声。
- The eagle-eyed policeman immediately noticed the spot of blood on her dress. 目光锐利的警察立即注意到她衣服上的血斑。
- This room would look all the better for a spot of paint. 上一点油漆能让这房间增色不少。
- The first-aid medical team got to the spot of the accident at top speed. 急救医疗队以最快速度赶到事故现场。
- A group of people assemble spontaneously on the spot of the accident. 一群人自发的聚集在事故现场。
- A group of people assembles spontaneously on the spot of the accident. 一群人自发地聚集在事故现场。
- I'm afraid we are in for a spot of trouble. 恐怕我们是一定要遇到麻烦了。