- The children took in the spectacle open-mouthed. 孩子们张着嘴注视精彩表演。
- The children took in the spectacle open - mouthed. 孩子们张著嘴注视精彩表演。
- The spectacle greatly excited us at the time. 当时那场面令我们十分激动。
- She stand there and survey the spectacle. 她站在那儿,看着这壮观的景象。
- She was so fond of the spectacle of human life. 她对人生的场景这么喜爱。
- The spectacle of the icicle in the cave is amazing. 石花洞的冰凌奇观让人叹为观止。
- The crowd was dazzled by the spectacle. 人群被这一奇观弄得眼花缭乱。
- Are exactly the spectacle I mentioned. 就是我所说的奇观了。
- And let them be distracted by the spectacle. 并且让他们被场景分了心。
- Bohan is pained at the spectacle of mutton dressed as lamb. 博安看到打扮得像少妇一样的老妇人就心里讨厌。
- He stood at the head of the stair and surveyed the spectacle. 他站在前排审视着演出。
- He stood at the front of the stage and surveyed the spectacle. 他站在前排审视着演出。
- Still others brought their families to witness the spectacle. 有些人还带着家人见证这个场面。
- We enjoyed watching the spectacle of Tim walking on his hands. 我们喜欢看提姆倒立行走的特技表演。
- She was fascinated at the spectacle of a rocket launching. 她被发射火箭的壮观场面强烈地吸引住了。
- The spectacle is viewed by other patrons of the restaurant. 醉酒的景象被这个餐馆的其他赞助人看见了。
- She sat beside him at the window enjoying the spectacle. 她坐在他旁边,在窗子边看着这些景象。
- The spectacle was so dazzlingly beautiful that it beggared description. 这景象美极了,简直无法形容。
- Then the spectacle of industrialized America had not deeply stirred him. 当时美国工业化的景象还没有引起他的反感。
- Then she became aware of the spectacle she presented to their surprised vision. 她那时才感觉到,她在他们惊异的眼睛里,是怎么个模样。