- The special train pulls in at 9. 专车九点到达。
- The cabaret of MaiYa locates the prosperous center of city, having the special building style and high technocracies, establishing the all-directions service technical ability. 麦雅酒店位于市繁华的中心,具有独特的建筑风格和高技术管理,设有全方位的服务技能。
- The girls do the special dance to whomp up the crowd before the football game. 足球赛开始前,姑娘们跳起专门编排的舞蹈,以激发观众的情绪。
- The special packaging will run up the price of the item. 这种特殊包装会抬高这种商品的价值。
- He preceded his speech with a few words of welcome the special guests. 他在演讲之前先说了几句对特邀来宾表示欢迎的话。
- The judge has the power to remand young offenders to the special home until their case be heard. 法官有权把青少年犯关押在青少年拘留所直到听证会开始。
- Do not put sanitary towel in the toilet, but use the special bag provided. 请勿将卫生巾丢在厕所内,可使用特别提供的袋子。
- On the specially built inaugural stands outside the Capitol, musicians Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman rehearsed for their role in Tuesday's ceremonies. 在国会大厦外面的特制就职讲台上,音乐家马友友和伊扎克-帕尔曼正在为周二的典礼进行排练。
- In some cases, NFT may need a special build of the software. 某些情况下,非功能性测试需要构建一个特殊的软件。
- The repost training is beneficial for the specialization building of colleges and universities teachers troops, raising teachers quality. 摘要岗前培训有利于加强高校教师队伍专业化建设,提高教师整体素质。
- The new ruling gives effect to the recommendations of the special committee. 这一新裁定使特别委员会的推荐生效。
- He is the special guest on a gala occasion. 他是节日盛上的贵宾。
- He selected a team for the special task. 他为这项特殊任务挑选了一组人马。
- But is may demolish under the special situation. 但是在特殊情况下是可以拆除的。
- How much do you charge for the special laundry? 特快洗衣服你们是怎么收费的呢?
- The special today is pressed duck with walnuts. 今天的特色菜是桃仁酥鸭。
- MCH work has wide research space, should take the scientific research as the faucet to improve the speciality building and strengthen the hardware building of the speciality designedly. 妇幼保健工作具有广阔的研究空间,要以科研为龙头,促进专科建设,有计划地加强专科的硬件建设。
- The special cream will help to soften up your skin. 这种特制香脂有助于使皮肤柔软。
- Ask Ss to write down the special questions. 让学生根据线索写出相关的特殊疑问句。
- An automobile specially built or modified for drag racing. 加速赛车为加速汽车赛特制或改装的汽车