- the southern and northern war 南北战争
- The grotto art also thrived with the introduction of Buddhism from India in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. 石窟艺术也是南北朝随佛教东传而兴起的,
- A stone dragonhead is carved for each on the southern and northern walls of the southern pool. 在南池南北两面石墙上,各有一石雕龙头,相对而视。
- Putting the Finishing Touch to the Picture of a DragonIn the Southern and Northern Dyn... 这个成语用来比喻讲话或写文章时,在关键地方加一两句重要的话,使内容更加生动有力。
- It became prevalent throughout Xinjiang during the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang dynasties. It was particularly popular in the Turpan area. 南北朝至隋唐时期,祆教流行于新疆各地,吐鲁番地区尤为盛行。
- During the Wei-Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the bantering novel with humourous and ironical language came into being. 摘要魏晋南北朝时期,产生了篇幅短小、寓讥于谐的谐谑小说。
- Under the Buddhist influence during the Southern and Northern Dynasty, Buddhism themed decorations were often seen on buildings and daily objects. 南北朝时期受佛教的影响,建筑、日用品上常见佛教题材的装饰。
- Ministers and aristoctrats knelt down inside the Gates of Parting Clouds on the southern and northern sides of Bridge of gold Bridge according to age and rank. 王公大臣们按辈分和官阶分别跪侍在排云门内,金水桥的桥南桥北。
- During the Southern and Northern dynasties, the Northern Heavenly Teacher Sect was established in the north, and in the south, the Southern Heavenly Teacher Sect. 南北朝时期,北天师道在北方创立,南天师道在南方创立。
- However, The humanist spirit was perfected gradually in the Jin, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and became a contemporary spirit prevailing in the society. 降至正始及魏晋交替之际,人文精神又呈现出一种困惑裂变的形态;
- Asymmetry between the southern and northern hemispheres of the Earth is further stated on the basis of new calculations, analyses and observations of space geodesy. 摘要依据新的计算分析和空间观测数据,进一步论述了地球南北半球的非对称性。
- It is concluded that hydrocarbon accumulations exist in the southern and northern parts of the Mangar depression and the southern part of the Awati depression. 最后得出结论:在满加尔坳陷南部、北部和阿瓦提坳陷南部等3处存在着油气聚集区域。
- Hefei assembles the wit of the Yangtze River and Huai River, embraces the southern and northern customs and habits, is your ideal choice for both investment and tourism. 合肥,这座荟萃江淮灵秀,交融南北风情,传统与现代相辉映,自然与人文相益彰的城市,宜居、宜游、宜商,无论是投资兴业,还是观光旅游,合肥都将是您理想的选择之地。
- Sun Union has two factories, which are located respectively at the southern and northern part of China, Wangdong industrial area, Dongguan and Shunyi District, Beijing. 山联公司的厂房分别设于中国广东省东莞市望东工业区和北京巿顺义区。
- Digital microwave communications link the southern and northern parts of the region,and optical cable trunk lines link Urumqi with Xi'an,Lanzhou,Yining,Korgas checkpoint,Turpan,Korla,Ruoqiang and Mangya. 南北疆数字微波工程,西安经兰州、乌鲁木齐、伊宁到霍尔果斯口岸的四条群干线光缆,乌鲁木齐经吐鲁番、库尔勒、若羌从茫崖出疆的第二出疆光缆,亚欧光缆。
- The river steamboats, the railways, the telegraph, and their associate facilities, did not come soon enough to avert a deepening conflict of interests and ideas between the southern and northern States of the Union. 内河汽船、铁路、电报以及有关设施并没有迅速出现,因此未能及时避免联邦南方各州与北方各州在利益和观点上日益加深的矛盾。
- Finally, we analyze the associations of the Asian and Australian winter monsoons, the westerly wind anomalies and the El Nino and La Nina alternations with the propagating anomalies of the Southern and Northern Oscillation. 最后 ,分析了亚、澳冬季风的活动 ,西太平洋西风异常的形成和东传 ,以及厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜的交替出现等现象与南方涛动和北方涛动传播波的联系。
- In the pre-Qin days and the two Han Dynasties, "guoran" was still an infrequently-used phrase; in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it took on the use of an adverb; in the Tang and Song Dynasties, it had acquired another use as a conjunction. 先秦两汉时,它还只是一个使用频率很低的偏正词组,魏晋南北朝萌生了作副词的用法,唐宋时期得到进一步的发展,并又引申出了作连词的用法。
- Digital microwave communications link the southern and northern parts of the region, and optical cable trunk lines link Urumqi with Xi'an, Lanzhou, Yining, Korgas checkpoint, Turpan, Korla, Ruoqiang and Mangya. 南北疆数字微波工程,西安经兰州、乌鲁木齐、伊宁到霍尔果斯口岸的四条群干线光缆; 乌鲁木齐经吐鲁番、库尔勒、若羌从茫崖出疆的第二出疆光缆,亚欧光缆;
- Later, some of their offspring outlived the Liang Dynasty, became citizens in Northern Zhou, Northern Qi, Sui, and Tang Dynasties and furthered the integration of the Southern and Northern cultures. 萧梁皇族子孙后来多有人流落北周、北齐和隋、唐,推动了南北文化的融合。