- Subsequent developments in the sociology of knowledge, and especially in the sociology of science, can also be considered forms of social epistemology. 随着社会知识的发展,尤其是科学社会的发展,被认为是社会认识论的一种形式。
- This view of biology and physiology as the effects of social construction came into sociology via the sociology of knowledge of Berger and Luckmann. 这种观点视生物因素和生理因素为社会构建的效应,它是由伯杰和卢克曼的知识社会学而带到社会学中来的。
- The purpose of the paper is to explore the historical inheritance of the SSK from the Sociology of Knowledge by expounding the similarity in the viewpoints of the two theories. 本文目的在于通过述评二者主要理论观点的相似性,探讨从知识社会学到科学知识社会学发展的某种历史继承性。
- Banks, O. (1976). The sociology of education. London: Batsford. 马信行(1993)。教育社会学。台北:桂冠。
- A Cultural Approach to the Social Policy Research from the Perspective of the Sociology of Knowledge 社会政策研究中文化视角兴起的知识社会学分析
- Mannheim, Karl(1960)。 Ideology and utopia : an introduction to the sociology of knowledge。London : Routledge &Kegan Paul。 黎鸣,李书崇译(2000)。意识形态与乌邦。北京市:商务印书馆。
- Bernbaum, G. (1977). Knowledge and ideology in the sociology of education. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd. 姜姜得胜(1999)。远距教学的意义与类型初探。台湾教育月刊,577,3-7。
- the sociology of knowledge 知识社会学
- Olive Banks (1968), The Sociology of Education, London: Batsford. 林清江(1974);教育社会学;台北:台湾书店.
- Ladwig, James G. (1996), Academic distinctions: Theory and methodology in the sociology of school knowledge, New York: Routledge. 黄嘉雄(1994);转化社会结构的课程理论:课程社会学的观点;台湾师范大学教育学系;博士论文;未出版.
- He is not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生来适于攀登知识之树的。
- R. Merton, The Sociology of Science, Chicago Univ. Press, Chicago, 1994. 刘??,《科学社会学》,人民出版社,北京,1986。
- Hallinan, M. T. (ed.) (2000). Handbook of the sociology of education. 张建成(2002)。批判的教育社会学研究。台北:学富。
- He was not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生来适于攀登知识之树的。
- Karl Mannheim (1936) extended Marx's theory of ideology into a sociology of knowledge. 卡尔·曼海姆(1936)把马克思的的意识形态的理论扩展到社会知识领域。
- Daniel Harrision Kulp, Country Life in South China, The Sociology of Familism. Columbia University. 1925. 明恩溥:;时事出版社1998年版.
- Ballantine, J. H. (2001). The sociology of education: A systematic analysis. London: Prentice-Hall. 林义男、王文科(2000)。教育社会学。台北:五南。
- Furthermore, each period is horizontally divided into three levels: the philosophy of beauty, the psychology of aestheticsand the sociology of art. 晚期,营构情感本体。每一阶段又横向展开为三个层次:美的哲学、审美心理学、艺术社会学。
- The scientist is distinguished in many spheres of knowledge. 这位科学家在许多知识领域中都是杰出的。
- Theeffort of this paper is that I should do my most foundation studyfor the sociology of law, and establish a solid researchfoundation for it. 本论文的努力就是在法社会学这个领域中做最为基础的梳理与研究工作。 为法社会学这个大厦奠定一个坚实的研究基础。