- Leaning-to-one-side: Chinese CE in the Seventeen Years after the Foundation of P.R.C. 建国后十七年中国比较教育状况分析。
- Most of the Red Memory Literary works published in "the seventeen years" after liberation have experienced republication after being revised. 建国后“十七年”的红色文艺作品在发表后不久,大多有着修改后再版的经历。
- In the seventeen years of her existence she had known nothing but blows, curses, tears, toil in the service of others. That plus a love for which she now must perish. 过去十七年中她所能够记忆的是打骂,流眼泪,服侍别人,此外便是她现在所要身殉的爱。
- The seventeen years' literature appears folk tendency.It culture the masses to be the main pan of the discourse with the folk narration, which was fulfill by intellectual. 摘要十七年文学具有民间化倾向,运用知识份子承担的民间叙事培养民众的话语主体性。
- According to the survey based on responses from over 188, 000 students, today's college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic than” at any time in the seventeen years of the poll. 根据以188,000多名学生的答卷为基础的调查,当今的大学新生比这项民意测验开始以来的17年中的任何时候的大学新生都“更主张消费,但少了点理想”。
- According to the survey based on responses from over 188,000 students, today's college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic ” than at any time in the seventeen years of the poll. 根据以188000多名学生的答卷为基础的调查,当今的大学生比这项民意调查开始以来的17年中的任何时候的大学生都“更主张消费,但少了点理想”。
- On Drama Creation in the Seventeen Years 论十七年的戏剧文学创作
- Country- theme novels in the seventeen years 农村题材小说
- I sold your father that house seventeen years ago. 十七年前我把那栋房子卖给你父亲的。
- He is scarcely seventeen years old. 他将近十七岁。
- My brother is seventeen years old and I am ten. 我哥哥十七岁,我十岁。
- Seventeen years ago I died in Niigata. 十七年前我死于新舄。
- These students are under seventeen years old. 这些学生们不到十七岁。
- Research into Passivation Phenomena of Writers'Creation in the Seventeen Year 十七年时期作家创作钝化现象探源
- When he was seventeen years old, he went to secondary school. 当他十七岁的时候, 他上了中学。
- When he was seventeen years old,he went to secondary school. 当他十七岁的时候, 他上了中学。
- Miss Brown is seventeen years old, so she is a spring chicken. 布朗小姐十七岁,因此正是青春少女。
- The Political Campaign as Genre: Iconography and Ideological Affinity in the Cinema of the Seventeen Years 作为类型的政治运动:十七年电影中的象征与意识形态关联
- Tender-hearted description of revolutionary history by females in "The Seventeen Years" "十七年"女性对革命历史的温情书写
- Review of "The Seventeen Years" Novels'Reception by the Public from the Dissemination Perspective 从传播学视角看"十七年"小说的大众接受