- How do you comprehend the“service consciousness” of service trade? 您如何理解服务行业的“服务意识”?
- The service trade has the inseparability, cannot touch, not storability and so on. 服务贸易具有不可分离性、不可触知性、不可储存性等特点。
- The GATS internationalizes for the service trade, the liberalism and legalizations lay the foundation. GATS为服务贸易国际化、 自由化及法制化奠定了基础。
- Due to the particularities of the service trade field, the application of non-discrimination principle in GATS is of unique characteristics. 由于服务贸易领域的特殊性,非歧视原则在该协定中的适用也独具特色。
- With the transition of the economic structure in Taiwan, the service trade becomes lifeblood of economic development of Taiwan. 随著台湾经济结构的转变,服务业已逐渐成为台湾经济发展的命脉。
- Japan's service trade is in a subordinate position to the commodity trade, but the service export has been growing rapidly after 2002. 摘要与商品贸易相比,日本的服务贸易居于相对次要位置,但在2002年之后其服务出口发展较快。
- He died in the service of his country. 他为国捐躯。
- The bishop conducted a number of confirmations at the service. 主教在仪式上为许多人施行了坚信礼。
- hygiene education for the service trades 服务行业健康教育
- Being in the service or worship of a deity; sacred. 神圣的敬神的或献给神的; 神圣的
- He was drummed out of the service for conduct unbecoming of an officer. 他因行为与军官的身份不相称而被部队开除。
- The food is good at this hotel, but the service is poor. 这家旅馆饭菜很好,但服务很差。
- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师的帮助。
- Leave the key with the service counter when you go out. 出去的时候把钥匙交给服务台。
- Trial Discussions on the Service Trade 试论服务贸易
- They need the services of a good lawyer. 他们需要找个能干的律师协助处理。
- service pledge (given by workers in the service trades) 服务公约
- He can't do without (the services of) a secretary. 他不能没有秘书(的协助).