- the secular clergy 住在俗界的教士(或教区牧师)
- Only death can free untold sufferings that the secular world. 只有死亡才可以解脱这俗世无尽的苦难。
- Ecclesiastical power as distinguished from the secular. 同非宗教相对的教会的力量。
- This is the most challengeable response to the secular tide. 这是面对世俗大潮的最具挑战性的回应。
- "Which God?" the secularist will ask. 世俗主义这会问:“你指的是哪个上帝?”
- Some said religion clashes with the secular goals of modernisation. 一些人士还说宗教与现代化建设的长期目标背道而驰。
- The secular parties have no such favours to dole out. 在野党就没有诸如此类的福利以供发放了。
- Their philosophy is a reaction against the secular modern world. 他们的哲学是对庸俗的现代世界的反映。
- All back, because the secular infection, can only be the case. 都退缩了,因为世俗的感染,只能这样了。
- Templar utilize the basic military model of the secular world. 圣堂武士充分运用了长期实践的最基础的军队模式。
- The new proposals affect both clergy and laity. 新的建议与神职人员和俗人都有关系。
- Yet, in the perception of the secular life, nihilistic ide as show through. 但在对世俗生活的感性认同中,她的虚无思想又时时渗透于字里行间。
- Wow. That is not found in the secular world without a spiritual conscience. 若没有属灵的洞见,便不能在这世俗社会中找到这爱。
- The founder of Hull House, she became the secular saint of social work. 船体内部的创始人,她成了圣世俗社会工作。
- When you remove the secular heart, God recognizes you and your true heart. 移除了凡心的时候,上天就取你那一点心。
- None of this is to dismiss all the concerns of the secular opposition. 所有这一切都不能打消世俗反对派的担忧。
- Money worship is the extreme presentation of the secular utility values. 拜金主义是世俗功利价值观的极端形式。
- The general history tendency of Christian music is becoming to the secular. 基督教音乐总的历史趋势是向世俗化不断转变。
- The love of kids is pure but the secular view has eroded this island. 孩子的爱是纯真的,而世俗的眼光在侵蚀这个岛。
- All the local clergy attended the ceremony. 当地所有的牧师出席了仪式。