- What will be the scenario today? 今天怎么搞?
- DRAW End the scenario in a draw for all players. 所有玩家平手。
- The scenario is unrelievedly grim. 情况异常严峻。
- This is an adaptation of a novel for the scenario. 这是由小说改编的电影剧本。
- The scenario is France during the reign of terror. 故事情节是处在恐怖统治时期的法国。
- Mr.Crittenden declined to comment on the scenarios being examined. 克里坦登拒绝对正在评估的情况发表评论。
- The name of the scenario that this consumer is associated with. 消费程序相关联的情况名称。
- In the Load Test Editor, click the Load Pattern for the scenario. 在“负载测试编辑器”中,对于方案单击“负载模式”。
- In the Scenario name box, type a name for the scenario. 在“方案名”框中,键入方案的名称。
- The total number of times the test was run in the scenario. 该测试在方案中运行的总次数。
- The scenario itself is a war told from two different perspectives. 战役的设定是从两个不同的视角阐释同一场战争。
- Already, he adds, the scenario is stacked against the partner . 他接着说,这种情形对配偶已然不利。
- The scenario, there will be special on-site demo Center. 方案,展会现场将设有专门的演示中心。
- The first scenario simulates a network issue by aborting the client before making the call to Divide. 第一个方案通过在调用Divide之前中止客户端来模拟网络问题。
- He also wrote the scenario for Der Neue Orpheus, a cantata set by Weill. 他以自己对超现实主义的理解方式去创造“超现实”,用新的联想、意象、隐喻去写作。
- Now, did I get the scenario right? Tell us where the idea came to you. 我是说,我想这是很多喝啤酒的人从一开始就一直有过的想法,真的。
- Mostly, electromechanical dissociation with sudden collapse is the scenario. 其通常是以电气机械解离合并突然循环衰竭来表现。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。