- the scab that has sloughed 已脱落的痂
- It is as if grief is the scab that permits healing. 悲伤好象是帮助愈合的结痂。
- The scab has sloughed off. 痂脱落了。
- Brush off the fuzz that has blown on. 把被风吹上去的绒毛刷掉。
- Look at the holes that have been worn in this rug. 瞧瞧这块小地毯上磨出的洞。
- So it's you that have disgraced the family! 原来是你丢了全家的面子!
- It's the strain of putting the job through that has told on me. 完成这项任务过于劳累,对我产生了影响。
- Man is the only animal that has the faculty of speech. 人类是唯一有说话能力的动物。
- He that have a head of wax must not walk in the sun. 自家头是蜡做成,休想太阳底下行。
- The scale on the surface of the kettle has sloughed off. 壶内的水垢结硬后脱落了。
- He is tired of the arid studies that have produced nothing new. 他对这些没有新意的枯燥乏味的研究感到厌倦。
- Mr. Jones will act as receiver for the company that has failed in business. 琼斯先生将作为那个破产公司破产的清算管理人。
- The present crisis is more than any that have gone before. 目前的危机比以前发生过的都严重。
- "It's never-ending pain, like a scab that falls off and doesn't heal. “她说,”这是永不休止的疼痛,就好像伤疤被揭开并且没有痊愈。
- That has been a thorough waste of time. 这是十足的浪费时间。
- His clothes hung in rags, and some of them had sloughed off. 他身上的衣服破破烂烂,有些碎布已经脱落。
- It's like a dream come (ie that has come) true. 这有如梦想变成了现实。
- Alice is the only person that has read Dickens . 爱丽丝是唯一一个读完狄更斯全集的。
- Here are some words that have fallen into disuse. 这是一些废弃不用的词。
- Something that has formed lumpy or fluffy masses. 絮凝物形成团状或棉絮状块的东西