- Zhaojia ping built in 1958 communes, the rural reform in 1984. 1958年建赵家坪公社,1984年改乡。
- The rural reform has achieved much faster results than we had anticipated. 农村改革见效非常快,这是我们原来没有预想到的。
- After three years of practice the rural reform has proved successful. 农村改革经过三年的实践证明是成功的。
- The rural reform has opened the prelude of China's reform and opening-up. 农村改革揭开了中国改革开放的序幕。
- In China, the rural reform question may not be a topicality reform question. 在中国,农村改革问题可不是一个局部性的改革问题。
- In the initial stage of the rural reform, there emerged in Anhui Province the issue of the "Fool's Sunflower Seeds". 农村改革初期,安徽出了个“傻子瓜子”问题。
- In the initial stage of the rural reform,there emerged in Anhui Province the issue of the Fool's Sunflower Seeds. 农村改革初期,安徽出了个“傻子瓜子”问题。
- The rural reform has achieved good results,and there has been a noticeable change in the countryside. 农村改革已经见效了,农村面貌发生明显变化。
- The practice in the rural reform and the abound experience of the people have refreshed up the Deng Xiaoping's thought on the Second Leap. 我国农村改革的实践,尤其是人民群众丰富的实践经验为邓小平“第二个飞跃”理论注入了新内涵。
- In the rural reform, work and production contracted to households were welcomed by most farmers. 在农村改革中,包产到户和包干到户的推广受到大多数农民的欢迎。
- In the initial stage of the rural reform, there emerged in Anhui Province the issue of the ''Fool's Sunflower Seeds''. 农村改革初期,安徽出了个“傻子瓜子”问题。
- The reform in the rural areas has proved highly successful.; Very good results have been achieved in rural reform. 农村的改革卓有成效。
- The rural reform has achieved good results, and there has been a noticeable change in the countryside. 农村改革已经见效了,农村面貌发生明显变化。
- If it took us three years to complete the rural reform,we can expect that it will be three to five years before we can judge the success of the urban reform. 如果说农村改革三年成功,城市改革经过三年五载也能判断成败。
- The rural reform covers the rural taxation system, grain purchase and sales, subsidies to farmers, the rural financial system and the rural medical and health service. 农村改革包括农村税费改革,粮食购销体制改革,对农民补贴方式的改革,农村金融改革和农村医疗制度的改革。
- If it took us three years to complete the rural reform, we can expect that it will be three to five years before we can judge the success of the urban reform. 如果说农村改革三年成功,城市改革经过三年五载也能判断成败。
- The dialect is spoken principally in the rural areas. 这种方言主要在农村地区使用。
- The rural reform,beginning from the introduction of the household contract responsibility system,has fully fired the enthusiasm of Chinese farmers and made tremendous achievements in the rural economy. 始于家庭联产承包责任制的农村改革,充分调动了中国农民的积极性,中国农村经济取得了巨大成就。
- It took three years for the rural reform to show results. As the overall reform involving both urban and rural areas is more complex,we think it will take five years to show results. 农村的改革三年见效,包括城市、农村在内的全面改革更复杂了,我们设想要五年见效。
- The rural taxation and fee reformation makes for the prelude of a comprehensive, profound and far-reaching rural reformation. 农村税费改革拉开了一场深刻广泛的农村综合改革的序幕。