- The roll of thunder presages a storm. 隆隆的雷声意味着暴风雨的到来。
- The roll of thunder was deafening. 隆隆的雷声震耳欲聋。
- A moment later you will hear the roll of thunder. 过一会,你就会听到雷声隆
- It must also be said that Hsin-mei excelled in making speeches in English;his resonant and fluent American speech, resembling the roll of thunder in the sky, when oiled and waxed, would slip halfway through the sky. 他最擅长用外国话演说,响亮流利的美国话像天心里转滚的雷,擦了油,打上蜡,一滑就是半个上空。
- The distant roll of thunder reached our ears. 远处隆隆的雷声传入我们的耳中。
- Rolls of thunder resounded in the valley. 隆隆的雷声在山谷中回响
- I will develop and print the roll of film myself. 我将自己来冲印这卷胶片。
- The order of play is decided by the roll of a dice. 比赛顺序是通过掷骰子决定的。
- The teacher read the roll of graduates. 教师宣读毕业生名单。
- I was frightened and wakened by a horrible roll of thunder. 我被一声可怕的雷声惊醒。
- His father's name was on the roll of honor. 他父亲的名字在阵亡将士名册中。
- The rolling of the boat turned my stomach. 小船上下颠簸使我恶心想呕吐。
- I'll develop and print the roll of film myself. 我将自己来冲印这卷胶片。
- The roll of the ship put us to sleep. 船的摇摆使我们睡着了。
- Where can we develop the roll of film? 我们在哪儿可以冲胶卷?
- Suitable for the rolling of Moly foil strip. 适用于钼箔带的轧制。
- We heard the rumble of thunder in the distance. 我们听到远处的隆隆雷声。
- the roll of thunder. 雷鸣声
- The little girl is afraid of thunder and lightning. 这小女孩害怕雷声和闪电。
- the roll of thunder [drums] 雷[鼓]声