- The soldier was badly wounded in the right leg. 那士兵右腿严重受伤。
- The right leg rises preparatory to kicking. 右腿抬高准备打水。
- The soldier got wounded in the right leg. 士兵的右腿受伤。
- The right leg kick is completed. 右腿打水完成。
- Lift and lower the right leg 20 times. Repeat with the left leg. 将右腿提放20次。再将左腿提放20次。
- The patient has very little sensation left in the right leg. 病人的右腿几乎没有知觉
- First, take the right leg and lift it out of the water. 首先,把右脚抬出水面。
- On the right leg was a large bruise, clear signs the bones had been broken. 右脚有大片瘀伤,并有明显骨头断裂痕迹;
- On Christmas day, the man still had his right leg in plaster. 圣诞节那天,这人的右腿仍然绑着石膏。
- The breaking of his right leg made him walk on crutches only. 他右脚的折断使他只有靠拐杖走路。
- People in Guatemala watched their soothsayer's left leg; if the right leg muscles twitched, the future looked bright. 危地马拉人算命时眼睛盯着占卜者的左腿:如果右腿的肌肉颤动,那就表示前途光明。
- Frame #15: Left arm adduction is nearly complete as the right leg begins to kick to eventually counter-balance left arm extraction. 左臂内收已近完成,同时右腿开始打水以平衡左臂的出水。
- There was extensive force on the neck and right leg plus a deep gash at the right knee of the dummy in the minicar. 有广泛的力量的脖子和右腿加上深加什在右膝盖的假人在微型。
- She parried to the left and lowered herself, with a swift wheel, sending her blade toward the right leg of Vader. 她向左闪开来并弓下身子,迅速地旋转了一下,她的剑刺向维达的右腿。
- At last they took the right leg and put it on the same log and cut it off with a machete. 最后他们又将他的右腿放在木桩上,用砍刀将其割下来。
- Now he left the hospital in the home recuperates, the right leg atrophy degree is serious, and restores slowly. 现在他已出院在家休养,右腿萎缩程度严重,且恢复缓慢。
- He fell off the bike and hurt his right leg. 他从自行车上摔下,伤了右腿。
- I slipped on the icy road and broke my right leg. 我在结冰的路上滑了一跤,跌断了右腿。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- Repeat the lunge with your right leg. 右脚重复向前跨步的动作。