- The Rhetoric of Religion: A new field of research? 威格兹一个新的研究领域吗?
- the rhetoric of tropes 转义修辞
- The rhetoric of civil society centres around the collective. 社会的周围遍布着市民社会的花言巧语。
- I am tired of the empty rhetoric of politicians. 我讨厌政客们的花言巧语。
- The practices or rhetoric of a demagogue. 煽动煽动者的行为或言辞
- In the prophase of "new period", the rhetoric of irony, aim at great political discourse usually. 新时期小说的反讽修辞,在新时期前期,多针对宏大的政治话语。
- The use of tropes in speech or writing. 在讲话或写作中运用比喻
- Despite the financial engineering of the time is not long, the rhetoric of the global financial system has had a far-reaching impact. 尽管金融工程出现的时间不长,却对全球金融体系产生了深远的影响。
- Ever since, the academic nutrition community, steeped in the rhetoric of obesity epidemics, has lobbed broadsides at those blasphemous results. 自此,沉浸在肥胖流行病学修辞中的营养学界,便对这些不敬的结论展开猛烈抨击。
- Despite the rhetoric of radical environmentalists, it is beyond the power of human beings to wipe the whole flood of life off the planet. 尽管有环保激进人士的说辞,说人类具有从地球上消灭生命之潮的破坏力,生命却能超越这种能力。
- Chapter five, the cultural interpretation of the rhetoric of double meanings, further elucidates the phenomenon from the cultural perspective. 第五章“双重意义修辞的文化阐释”则从文化的角度对这种现象进行深入阐释。
- Mastered the language of the rhetoric of humor, we can consciously flexibility to create humorous language, and enhance the ability to communicate. 掌握了幽默语言的修辞规律,就能自觉灵活地创造出幽默语言,提升与人交流的能力。
- Before 1990s, narratology of classic rhetoric of fiction had dominated the academic thinking, which is represented by The Rhetoric of Fiction ( WayneC Booth, 1961). 韦恩·布斯的《小说修辞学》(1961)一书是前者的代表作,詹姆斯·费伦《作为修辞的叙事》(1996)的出版则构成了美国后经典修辞性叙事理论的一个亮点。
- Brandishing the rhetoric of inviolable property rights and the fear of property devaluation, the opponents of fair housing posed a formidable challenge. 公平住房的反对者们鼓吹着神圣产权的辨词和财产贬值的恐惧,制造了一场难以对付的挑战。
- He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine. 他在热带医学这一领域里广获赞扬。
- It feeds on fanaticism and ignorance, and finds its recruits in miserable refugee camps where unhappy youth are bombarded daily in the rhetoric of hatred. 它滋生了狂热和无知,它的后备军在苦难的难民营源源不断,那里不幸的年轻人每天都生活在仇恨的花言巧语的炮火之中。
- Have you seen the brightly-coloured plumage of tropical birds? 你见过热带鸟类色彩斑斓的羽毛吗?
- Thus, the rhetoric of "open source" focuses on the potential to make high quality, powerful software, but shuns the ideas of freedom, community, and principle. 因而,“开放源代码”的花言巧语集中在制作高质量,强有力软件的潜能上,但是避开自由,社团和原则的思想。
- Meanwhile, the dispute of discourse, the rhetoric of pastiche and the artistic skill of tragedy or comedy both reveal the novelists" sense and law of value. 叙事文本中的话语之争,文本间的仿拟等修辞策略和悲喜剧艺术手法,都提示了言说主体的心理意识和价值准则。
- His mode of expression is often ripe with torment and the rhetoric of martyrdom, turning his work into mournful short dramas that drift along the boundaries of language. 艺术家惯用的表现形式有时像是一种饱含折磨的、哀歌式的小型戏剧,在语言限制的边缘滑行。