- The rebellious troops ringed the airfield. 叛军包围了机场。
- the rebellious youth 叛逆青年
- Raised in the Castleknock section of Dublin,this son of a soccer player admits to a somewhat rebellious youth,attending several schools and indulging in beer drinking. 法雷尔在都柏林的卡索诺克区长大,父亲是个足球运动员。法雷尔承认自己多少是个叛逆的少年--他曾换过好几所学校、而且还以喝啤酒为乐。
- San Francisco was well known in the 1960s as a gathering place for hippies -- a term used to describe some nonconformist, rebellious youth. 在60年代,旧金山是一个标新立异的叛逆青年、也就是“嬉皮士”喜欢聚集的地方。
- Sarah gets angry at the rebellious colonists. 莎拉对这些反叛的殖民地居民非常愤怒,
- Finally restored order in the rebellious provinces. 最终在反叛的省份又重新建立起秩序
- Having emphasised Bush's lineage and relationship with old American money, one must qualify this portrayal of him by indicating his rebellious youth. 在着重说明了布什的家系以及其与以前美国上层社会的关系之后,我们必须提及他年轻时的叛逆以便使他的形象更加具体化。
- The despot gassed the rebellious tribes. 这位暴君用毒气攻击叛乱的部落。
- Though practical and comfortable, these heavy-looking Doc Martens boots with bouncing soles have come to define the look of rebellious youth. 尽管既实穿又舒适,外型厚重的马汀大夫鞋,有著超强弹性鞋底的靴子,却成了叛逆青少年的指标。
- The rebellious student was sent home. 这个叛逆的学生被送回家去了。
- The first chapter of this thesis explores the rebellious feature arrested in the films in aspect of the overthrow of youth, male and fatherhood. 本文第一章从对男权和父权、美好青春的颠覆两个方面探讨了岩井俊二影片中表现出来反叛的特征;
- The rebellious troops attempted to subvert the present government. 叛军曾企图推翻现政府。
- Woe to the rebellious and defiled one, To the oppressing city! 1这悖逆、污秽、欺压的城有祸了!
- Woe to the rebellious, the defiled, the city that oppresses. 祸哉!那叛逆、污秽,而残暴的城市!
- The sending of soldiers to the rebellious island was a calculated risk. 派兵到发生叛乱的那个岛上是值得的冒险行动。
- The youth like to wear knickerbockers. 年青人喜欢穿灯笼裤。
- Judy is now in the bloom of youth. 朱迪现在正当青春年少。
- At the movies, some films captured the rebellious spirit of the times. 在电影方面,一些电影抓住了当时的反叛精神,
- A Continental naval fleet was organized in the rebellious American colonies. 年,欧洲海军舰队集结以应对美洲殖民地反抗运动。
- The poor mother has wistful reminiscences of her lost youth. 这个贫穷的母亲怅惘地回忆她已经逝去的青春。