- the format of the raster data model 栅格数据格式的
- Study of Marine and Fishery GIS Based on the Raster Data Model 基于栅格模型的海洋渔业GIS研究
- Compare the ways of resampling the raster data. 空间数据共享的方法有哪些?
- the raster data model 空数据模型
- Based on ORDBMS, a spatial-temporal data modeling method is presented, which can integrate both vector and raster data. 基于对象关系数据库探讨时空数据库的数据建模方法,提出综合考虑矢量和栅格数据一体化的时空数据模型。
- When users access to the raster data, SDE will access to the raster data with suitable resolution.It will compress the file size immediately.So the efficiency can be increased. 当用户访问这个栅格数据,SDE将调用适合这个比例尺的栅格数据,它将实时的极大压缩了文件尺寸,所以访问效率将被提高。
- This paper elaborated the handing skills for salt-and pepper noise and garbage raster data when processing the raster data, and has listed the corresponding map algebra implementation step. 摘要阐述了栅格图象处理过程中,对斑点噪声和无用数据的处理技巧,并且按照实施步骤列出了相应的地图代数函数。
- Class is based on the XPath data model. 类基于XPath数据模型。
- Creates a new property for the built-in data model. 为内部数据模型创建一个新的属性.
- Keywords raster data;spatio-temporal data model;lenear quadtree;RD-STDM;spatio-temporal changing anslysis; 栅格数据;时空数据模型;线性四叉树;RD-STDM;时空差异分析;
- raster data model 栅格数据模型
- The abstract data model(ADT) of spatial data,vector and raster,is defined firstly based on basic types. 首先基于基本类型派生定义矢量和栅格抽象数据类型,在此基础上定义时空数据类型为一系列空间类型的时间片序列。
- A data model is a plan for building a database. 一个资料模型就是对建立一个资料库的规划。
- And this data model is described in XML DTD. 本文用统一建模语言描述了整个数据模型,给出了数据模型中几种重要类的文档类型定义。
- Its data model is the basis of DW of an ISC. 三是集成供应链节点企业数据库,并形成为集成供应链信息平台数据仓库提供基础数据的企业数据模型。
- The raster fonts flying-marking is realized by one-dimensional scanning mirror. 使用一维振镜来实现点阵字体的飞动标刻。
- Design data are stored primarily as vector data;geographic data consist of a combination of vector and raster data. 设计数据基本上是以矢量数据的形式存储,而地理数据则包含矢量数据和光栅数据。
- Using ARC/INFO GIS technology,the raster Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and the average annual rainfall databases for nearly 30 years in the study areas were established. 研究利用 ARC/INFO地理信息系统 ,建立了研究区的栅格数字高程模型( DEM)及近 30年的年均降水量空间数据库 ;
- The example indicates that GSQL R provides an efficient and integrated way for raster data access and operation. 通过实例表明,GSQL-R能较好支持矢量/栅格一体化的数据访问和操作。
- The Order could be the root of another hierarchy in the data model. 订单可能是数据模型中的其他层次的根。