- A research group in Munich has demonstrated for the first time the quantum phase transition of a superfluid state to the Mott insulator state of a BEC confined in a 3D optical lattice. 德国Munich研究小组首次在三维光晶格中观察到了超冷原子从BEC超流状态向Mott insulator状态的量子相变.
- The quantum behavior of atomic objects is the same. 原子客体的量子行为都是相同的。
- The quantum of light is called a photon. 光的量子就称为光子。
- The Quantum Phase Distributing Properties of A Coherent State's Opposition State 相干态的相反态的量子相位分布
- Liability was admitted by the defendant, but the case went to trial because they could not agree the quantum of damages. 被告承认有责任,但案子还是拿到法庭审判,因为双方当事人不能就损害赔偿金金额达成协议。
- The quantum numbers differ not at all. 量子数根本没有差别。
- the quantum phase 相干态
- Attention is concentrated on the quantum theory. 重点是在掌握量子理论上。
- For example, Bohm introduced the quantum potential. 举个例子,介绍了量子电位。
- The file was changed outside of the Quanta editor. 文件在 Quanta 编辑器之外发生了更改。
- Theoretically, ultracold atoms will undergo a quantum phase transition from a superfluid state to a Mott insulator state. 理论上,冷原子在适当条件下就会经历一个由超流到绝缘的相变。
- The quantum theory is not just an esoteric addendum. 量子理论并不只是一个深奥的附录。
- Through a typical quantum measurement model, we study the relation between decoherence of a central two-level system and quantum phase transition in its environment. 通过一个典型的量子测量模型,我们研究了一个二能级系统的退相干与和他耦合的环境的量子相变之间的关系。
- End time, in UTC, of the time period that the quantum represents. 量程表示的时间段的结束时间,以UTC表示。
- The end time is the start time plus the quantum duration. 结束时间是开始时间加上量程持续时间。
- Text that describes the current status of the quantum. 说明量程当前状态的文本。
- Start time, in UTC, of the time period that the quantum represents. 量程所代表时间段的开始时间,以UTC表示。
- Number of event chronicle rule firings in the quantum. 量程中的事件历史记录规则触发数。
- Number of event subscription rule firings in the quantum. 量程中的事件订阅规则触发数。