- The physicist debunked the psychic's claims. 这些唯心论者揭露了唯心论者的主。
- The psychic energy exploded in a flash of creation. 精神能量在创造的一瞬间爆炸了。
- the psychic pattern 心理模式
- Where did all the psychic abuse in the human unconscious come from? 人类无意识当中的所有灵性凌虐是来自哪里呢?
- The psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives. 利比多与本能的生物欲望有关的生理的或情感的能量
- The psychic bond between me and my mom is,of course,more a joke than anything. 我和妈妈之间的心灵感应当然只是玩笑而已。
- A lonely frog telephoned the Psychic Hotline and asked what his future holds. 一只孤单的青蛙打电话给心理咨询热线,询问它未来的生活。
- Thought Bastion: This shield protects the wielder as the Psychic Bastion feat. 思维堡垒:该盾牌如同“心力堡垒”专长那样保护持用者。
- Thought Bastion : This shield protects the wielder as the Psychic Bastion feat. 思维堡垒:该盾牌如同“心力堡垒”专长那样保护持用者。
- Could the character still use the Psychic Bastion feat in this circumstance? 这种情况下仍然可以使用“心力堡垒”专长么?
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- You can use the Psychic Bastion feat anytime you're conscious and have at least3 power points to spend. 只要你清醒并有至少3点灵能点可用,你就可以使用“心力堡垒”专长。
- He roughed in the curves he intended his pattern to take. 他粗略地勾出了他设想中图案的曲线。
- This bonus stacks with other mental hardness bonuses due to the Psychic Bastion feat or through psionic defense modes. 该加值和来自“心力堡垒”或心灵防御模式的其他精神硬度加值累加。
- The curtains had an elaborate pattern of flowers. 窗帘上绘有精美的花卉图案。
- The psychic behavior of the majority tells its own tale, and only a few can bear solitude and face their own thoughts. 从他们精神状态明显指出,只有少数人可以忍受孤独,并去面对自己的想法。
- This Union Is Achieved Through The Subjugation Of The Psychic Nature And The Restraint Of The Mind. 瑜伽是控制精神和意识的转变。
- Secondly, non-mainstream areas of inquiry causes causethat people rely on the psychic force? 你看看能不能这样写?
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。