- This was the time when the procuratorship of the Privy Purse was first established. 据报阿拉伯的军团这时叛往阿尔比努斯一方。
- The Cabinet evolved from the Privy Council. 内阁导源于枢密院。
- keeper of the Privy Purse 英国皇室司库
- the privy purse 岁收中拨给王室的费用
- The privy took proceedings against the company. 当事人对这家公司提起诉讼。
- The judicial committee of the privy council. 枢密院司法委员会。
- She was made a Member of the Privy Council in 2003. 2003年,她被推选进入枢密院。
- The Privy Council tipped the promoters of the company to go ahead. 枢密院示意公司的创办人继续进行。
- The Privy Seal is a seal fastened on all royal documents. 御玺是盖在所有皇室文件上的一种印。
- Sejong for the Senate to know when the Privy Council in the matter. 世宗时为参知枢密院事。
- A purse has been made up for the flood victim. 已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。
- I wasn't privy to the negotiations. 我对那些谈判并不知情。
- Her purse was stolen when she was on the bus. 她的手袋在公共汽车上被偷了。
- Little and often fills the purse. [谚]小钱积成万,粒粮堆成山。
- The appellants then took the case to the Privy Council, which handed down judgement in their favour on November 21, 1996. 上诉人继而向枢密院提出上诉,枢密院于一九九六年十一月二十一日判上诉人胜诉。
- All is not gain that is put in the purse. 装进钱包里的不一定都是正当的收入。
- For many countries(especially commonwealth countries)appealed may be hear from the highest court of these countries by the privy council. 对许多国家(尤其是英联邦国家)枢密院可能会审理来自最高法院的上诉。
- The Privy Council was formerly the chief source of executive power in the state and give private advice to the King. 枢密院原来是政府行政权力的源泉,给君主提供“私人”建议。
- The appellants then took the case to the Privy Council,which handed down judgement in their favour on November 21,1996. 上诉人继而向枢密院提出上诉,枢密院于一九九六年十一月二十一日判上诉人胜诉。
- For many countries ( especially commonwealth countries ) appeal may be hear from the highest court of these countries by the privy council . 对许多国家(尤其是英联邦国家)枢密院可能会审理来自最高法院的上诉。