- The searchlights glared, illuminating the prison yard. 探照灯发出强光,照亮监狱场地。
- A high wall that bounded the prison yard,lives that were bounded by poverty. 圈住监狱的高墙,为贫困所禁锢的生活。
- An inmate at a massive Miami prison complex is stabbed to death in the prison yard. 监狱内有囚犯被杀,原来一切都只是囚犯越狱的烟幕。
- The detailed plan s are for the same set of bleachers that sit in the prison yard. 其外形轮廓与监狱院子里的一组看台是相同的。
- On sunday, tennessee prison guards will lock him in an isolated cell with a small window overlooking the prison yard, beginning three days of "death watch. 周日,田纳西监狱看守将把他关到单独的一件有一个小窗户俯瞰监狱操场的牢房中,开始三天的“临终观望”
- The calm of the prison yard, however, is no long-term solution to the Tibet problem, which is that large numbers of Tibetans feel economically disadvantaged and politically ignored. 而这种监狱式的平静,却不能从根本上解决西藏问题,因为其核心在于大量藏民感到的经济上的落后与政治上的被忽视。
- The police crushed out the rebellion in the prison. 警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。
- A high wall that bounded the prison yard 一道高墙为监狱的界限
- That felon tried to escape from the prison. 那名重罪犯试图从监狱中逃跑。
- His deliverance from the prison puzzled us. 他被从监狱释放使我们困惑不已。
- They discharged him from the prison. 他们免除了他的监禁。
- A high fence ringed the prison camp. 有一道高高的铁丝网围着战俘营。
- Guards were stationed around the prison. 卫兵派驻在监狱四周。
- The prison is encompassed by high walls. 监狱被高墙围绕着。
- a high wall that bounded the prison yard; lives that were bounded by poverty. 圈住监狱的高墙;为贫困所禁锢的生活
- All their efforts are pushing towards a reorganization of the prison system. 他们正尽一切努力,以重建一套新的监狱体制。
- The prisoners were left to rot in prison. 那些囚犯被留置在牢中任其消瘦。
- The prisoner was put into the jail with fetters. 这个犯人被戴上脚镣投进了监狱。
- The minister's visit to the prison was not instructive. 牧师这次探监没有意义。
- The dogs lost the scent and the prisoner escaped. 警犬失去了臭迹,囚犯因而得以逃脱。