- What is the cure for the plight of the homeless? 帮助无家可归者摆脱困境有何措施?
- She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless. 她激动地讲述了无家可归者的困境。
- The plight of the refugees really wrung my heart. 难民处境惨苦真叫我牵肠割肚。
- The plight of the refugees arouses the compassionate old man. 难民的困苦唤醒了那位有同情心的老人。
- The plight of the famine victims commands everyone's sympathy. 饥民的苦境值得大家同情。
- The television picture bring home to us all the plight of the refugee. 我们从电视上知道了难民所处的一切困境。
- The television pictures brought home to us all the plight of the refugees. 我们从电视上知道了难民所处的一切困境。
- The plight of the refugees arouses our compassion. 难民的困苦引起我们的同情.
- The Government seems to be closing its eyes to the plight of the unemployed. 政府似乎对失业者的困境熟视无睹。
- What has led to the plight of the Chinese language? 是什么原因造成这样的现象。
- The plight of the old–age pensioners has become a political football in the run up to the election. 老年养老金领取者的困境已经成了竞选中连续地被踢来踢去的政治皮球。
- Instead of being touched by the plight of the homeless,Heather thought the whole eighth-grade project was scary and smelly and gross. 希瑟没有被无家可归者的困境所打动,反而觉得整个8年级的活动可怕、发臭、腻味。
- Instead of being touched by the plight of the homeless, Heather thought the whole eighth grade project was scary and smelly and gross. 希 瑟 没 有 被 无 家 可 归 者 的 困 境 所 打 动 , 反 而 觉 得 整 个 8年 级 的 活 动 可 怕 、 发 臭 、 腻 味 。
- Instead of being touched by the plight of the homeless, Heather thought the whole eighth? grade project was scary and smelly and gross. 希瑟没有被无家可归者的困境所打动,反而觉得整个8年级的活动可怕、发臭、腻味。
- But the plight of the world compels his unwilling attention. 但是世上的困境迫使他关注自己所不情愿关切的事务。
- She was touched by the plight of the refugees. 难民的困境使她受到触动。
- The plight of the starving natives is appealing. 土著居民挨饿的境况简直可怕。
- We are deeply concerned over the plight of the refugees . 我们对难民们的悲惨命运感到十分忧虑。
- She was much concerned over the plight of the refugees. 她很关心难民的状况。
- The leader was much concerned over the plight of the refugees. 那位领袖对难民的困境很担忧。