- The physics of supersonic flight. 超音速飞行的物理性质
- He trusted the physic of his doctor. 他信任他医生的医术。
- Each works changes the physics of the spectator. 每一幅作品都改变了观者的物理形状。
- Researcher redefines the physics of photons. 研究人员重新定义光子物理学。
- The physics of electricity and magnetism. 电磁学研究电和磁的物理学
- The physics of electrostatic phenomena. 静电学研究静电现象的物理学
- Grundmann M. The physics of semico... 物理名家在线视频??香港中文大学物理...
- Mr. Tedesco: Don't tell me. The physics of trajectory. 弗朗西斯:你是想把我当枪靶子使吗?
- the physics of flight 飞行的物理过程
- The physics of molecular,atomic,nuclear,and subnuclear systems. 微观物理学研究分子、原子,核和亚核系统的物理学
- The physics of molecular, atomic, nuclear, and subnuclear systems. 微观物理学研究分子、原子,核和亚核系统的物理学
- He flunked out of flight training. 他从飞机训练中被淘汰了。
- The branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of stellar phenomena. 天体物理学天文学的一个分支,从事星球现象的物理研究
- Some parents shortened their daughters to fit the physical requirements of flight attendants or ballerinas. 一些父母亲缩小他们的女儿以便达到航空服务员或者芭蕾舞演员的要求。
- The solution has come from an unexpected quarter: the physics of car engines. 解决之道来自于一个意想不到的角落:汽车引擎的物理学。
- This should tell you something else because of the physics of magnetics. 因为这个磁力物理,还可以告诉你们其它的一些事。
- The book tells you about the how and the why of flight. 这本书告诉你飞行的方法和原理。
- The physics of the ball during headers and crossings has been adjusted. 皮球在头球和传中球时的物理性已经被调整好。
- The cause of flight of capital is the unstable political situation. 资本外逃是因为政治的不稳定。
- The physical volume or bulk of a solid body. 体积物质体积或一件固体的体积