- the physics of different soils 各种土壤的物理成分
- He trusted the physic of his doctor. 他信任他医生的医术。
- Each works changes the physics of the spectator. 每一幅作品都改变了观者的物理形状。
- The physics of supersonic flight. 超音速飞行的物理性质
- Researcher redefines the physics of photons. 研究人员重新定义光子物理学。
- The physics of electricity and magnetism. 电磁学研究电和磁的物理学
- The physics of electrostatic phenomena. 静电学研究静电现象的物理学
- Grundmann M. The physics of semico... 物理名家在线视频??香港中文大学物理...
- Mr. Tedesco: Don't tell me. The physics of trajectory. 弗朗西斯:你是想把我当枪靶子使吗?
- The relative ability of different soils and amendments to store ions is given in Table 6-1. 各种土壤和改良剂贮藏离子的相对能力列于表6-1。
- This uncertainty results in overlaps of different soil types in currently used CPTU soil classification systems. 根据已有的CPTU土分类系统划分土类时,这种不确定性经常会导致不同土类的重叠。
- The physics of molecular,atomic,nuclear,and subnuclear systems. 微观物理学研究分子、原子,核和亚核系统的物理学
- The physics of molecular, atomic, nuclear, and subnuclear systems. 微观物理学研究分子、原子,核和亚核系统的物理学
- A study was carried out on the issue of soil erodibility values of different soil erosion regions in China using the data obtained from field observation of plots. 本文运用野外观测资料,研究了我国不同水土流失区的土壤可蚀性值问题。
- For years, Libbrecht has been studying the physics of snowflakes, looking at the different patterns of crystal growth and snowflake formation. 这些精美的照片也揭示了一个事实,那就是世间不会有两朵相同的雪花。
- HAs-Hg and component HA-Hg existed in soils of different soil orders in descending order (from top to low) as Alfisol, semi-hydromorphic soil, initial development soil and ferrallitic soil, while FA-Hg content was the lowest in semi-hydromorphic soil. 腐殖酸结合汞(HAs-Hg)和组分胡敏酸结合汞(HA-Hg)在不同土纲土壤中以淋溶土纲含量最高;其次是半水成土纲和初育土纲;最低是铁铝土纲; 组分富里酸结合汞(FA-Hg)的含量以在半水成土纲中最低.
- The branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of stellar phenomena. 天体物理学天文学的一个分支,从事星球现象的物理研究
- The solution has come from an unexpected quarter: the physics of car engines. 解决之道来自于一个意想不到的角落:汽车引擎的物理学。
- Second,using the overlaying function of Geographic Information System,the author analyzed the area and distribution of cultivated land under the condition of different slope,different soil erosi... 结合具体情况 ,制定退耕还林还草的条件 ,最后提出青岛市退耕还林还草综合决策方案。
- This should tell you something else because of the physics of magnetics. 因为这个磁力物理,还可以告诉你们其它的一些事。