- the phrases of Su 苏词
- The phrasing of the report is ambiguous. 这份报告的措辞模棱两可。
- The phrases of this little lecture came naturally to her lips. 这短短的几句教条很自然地从她嘴里流露出来。
- If it conducts the phrase of posture in the sentence, it is a preposition. “为了”引导体词性词语,则为介词;
- To grasp the vocabulary and phrases of shopping. 学习一些关于购物的词汇和用语。
- The phrases of a vault are composed of take-off,pre-flight,repulsion,post-flight and landing. 跳马的步骤由踏起,第一腾控,推手,第二腾空和着地组成。
- The phrases of a vault are composed of take-off, pre-flight, repulsion, post-flight and landing. 跳马由第一腾空、推手、第二腾空及着地四个步骤组成。
- He tried to spell out the meaning of the phrase. 他努力读出这个短语的含义。
- I made a mental note of the phrase. 我牢牢记住了那个短语。
- B) The phrase of a vault are composed of tak-of, pre-flight, repulsion, post-flight and landing. 跳马的步骤由踏起、一腾空、手、二腾空和着地组成。
- The ellipsis is the zig-zag of the phrase. 文字简略,有如步履踉跄。
- When NP is subjective phrase, it can be divided into modification phrases, the phrases of “de”,coordinative phrases and appositive phrases. NP为体词性短语时,根据结构,可以分为定中式偏正短语、“的”字短语、联合短语和同位短语。
- I have a few dictionaries to hand. I can get the meaning of the phrase for you in no time. 我手头有几本词典,马上就可查到那个短语的意思。
- Wherefore, I reprobate the phrase of parent or mot her country applied to England only, as being false, selfish, narrow and ungenerous. 因此,我强烈遣责把母国这个词只用来指代英国的行径,因为这是错误的、自私的、狭隘的、不大度的。
- Wherefore, I reprobate the phrase of parent or mother country applied to England only, as being false, selfish, narrow and ungenerous. 一方建议诉诸武力,另一方建议友好协商,但已经发生的事实表明前者已失败,后者撤回了其影响。
- This was not at all common but such unethical if not fraudulent practices are amply provided for in the phrases of the most generally used and highly respectable code books. 如此不道德的事一点也不常发生,即使不算是诈欺的实践,也被广泛地提供给受重视且最常用的教科书当成范例。
- I will publish a First Phrase every fortnight, and you will do the continuing, just for entertainment. Good luck, this is the Phrase of the Fortnight! 我将会每二周刊一个上联,让你们接下去,就当作是娱乐吧。加油!这是这二周的上联。
- Appear in the guise of Su Kunsheng, the flute player. 再扮吹笛教曲的苏昆生。
- The NP which can enter the phrase of“mei + yi + NP/VP”is noun or the noun-phrase, which can be monosyllable, double-syllable or multi-syllable. 能够进入该结构的NP可以是单音节、双音节以及多音节的名词或名词性短语;VP既可以动词,又可以是动词性短语,动词一般以双音节最为常见,动词性短语也比较简单,而且一般不带数量成分。
- But there are a lot of bantering works in the poems of Su Dongpo. 然东坡诗中有大量的戏谑调侃之作。