- One oi the most important current issues in psychological service is to shape the philosophical base of the psychological service in China. 当前,我国心理辅导发展重要课题之一是构建心理辅导的哲学基础。
- The philosophical basis of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is empirical and the theoretical background is structuralism. 萨丕尔和沃尔夫假说的哲学基础是经验主义,理论背景是结构主义;
- Meanwhile, Antonio Labriola held a full evaluation on the philosophical basis of historical materialism. 同时,拉布里奥拉对唯物史观的哲学基础进行了充分的论证。
- The dualism of motive and effect is the philosophical basis for forgiving those people. 动机和效果的二元论是他们宽恕这些人的哲学基础。
- Explaining "yin" as "to consider conscientiously" have both the philosophical bases and bases of exegetical studies. 训“隐”为“审度”既有哲学上的依据,又有训诂学上的依据。
- These two parts delve into the philosophical basis of the visibility of the translator and the role of the translator in translation practice. 第六部分根据翻译主体发挥作用的哲学基础具体分析了译者作为翻译主体在翻译实践中的作用。
- The exposition on humans, nature and society and their relations by Carl Marx is the philosophical basis of Scientific Development Concept. 摘要马克思主义关于人、社会和自然及其关系的论述是科学发展观的哲学基础。
- The second section has firstly discussed the philosophical basis of Rawls" theory of justice, which is based upon rationality of individuals and the Kantian contractual tradition. 第二章首先讨论了罗尔斯正义理论的哲学基础,即康德式的以理性个人为逻辑起点的社会契约论。
- This article focuses on the study and collation of the philosophical basis, the inte rnal expression, meaning and result of Schelling's conception of tragedy. 谢林的悲剧审美观认为,全部悲剧艺术的基础是隐蔽的历史必然性对人类自由的干预。
- As the philosophical basis of private laws,the philosophical thinking of subjectivity manifested itself in the subjective systems from ancient Rome to modern private l... 主体哲学思想作为私法的哲学基础,相应地体现在从古罗马法到近代私法,再到现代私法的主体制度当中。
- For a long time, hermeneutics is the philosophical basis of human &social sciences, with both epistemic hermeneutics and practical hermeneutics being their philosophical basis. 摘要长期以来,解释学一直都是人文社会科学的哲学基础,无论是狄尔泰的认识论解释学还是海德格尔的实践解释学,都把自然科学拒之门外。
- The second section has firstly discussed the philosophical basis of Rawls' theory of justice, which is based upon rationality of individuals and the Kantian contractual tradition. 第二章首先讨论了罗尔斯正义理论的哲学基础,即康德式的以理性个人为逻辑起点的社会契约论。
- In the second part, the author discusses the philosophical bases of Marxian philosophy of human emancipation are theory of alienated labor and historical concepts of communism. 在第二部分中,作者论述了马克思人类解放思想的哲学基础是异化劳动学说和共产主义的历史观。
- The philosophic basis of fuzzy poetics is materialist dialectics. 模糊诗学的哲学基础是唯物辩证法。
- The philosophical basis for cognitive linguistics is embodied philosophy, which mainly includes three basic principles: the embodied mind, the cognitive unconscious, and metaphorical thought. 认知语言学的哲学基础是体验哲学,其中心内容主要包括三项基本原则:心智的体验性、认知的无意识性、思维的隐喻性。
- Abstract: At present, the research on the philosophical basis of the economic law is almost rare in China "Episteme" is the core terminology in Foucault' s famous works, Words and Things. 文章摘要: 目前,我国经济法学界关于经济法的哲学基础的研究几乎可以说是凤毛麟角。
- The Philosophical Basis of Accounting 会计哲学基础浅析
- On the Philosophical Basis of Accounting System 论会计制度的哲学基础
- The philosopher speculated about time and space. 这位哲学家在思索时间和空间问题。
- Philosophical base of regional forest resources early-warning system. 区域森林资源预警系统的哲学基础。