- The phase transition time of antiferroelectric ceramics was also discussed. 讨论了反铁电陶瓷相变时间的测试需要减小脉冲电压的上升沿与下降沿的时间,减小脉冲电压的脉宽,就有可能得到一个更接近相变时间的值。
- And chlorinated polypropylene (CPP) has been taken as a skeleton, which ensures the solid nature of PCM during the phase transition. 叙述了该相变材料的合成方法,讨论了它的相变机理及特点等。
- The phase transition process of isothermally quenched ductile iron was investigated,the author's opi... 研究了等温淬火球铁的相变过程,指出了对等温淬火球铁组织命名的看法。
- It is the critical point of the phase transition of ferromagtic or ferrimagnetic materials into paramagnetic materials. 是指磁性材料中自发磁化强度降到零时的温度,是铁磁性或亚铁磁性物质转变成顺磁性物质的临界点。
- Using the two models, simulation investigations have been made for the phase transition kinetics of many advanced alloys with coherency. 利用该模型已对许多新型具共格畸变合金的相变动力学进行了模拟研究。
- Simulation results shows this model effectively depict the phase transition behaviors form free traffic flow state to congestion state in the network. 数值仿真结果表明,该模型能较好的描述了网络中从自由流相到拥塞相的相变行为。
- The phase transition temperature and liquid crystalline phase texture of polyA were investigated by DSC, X-ray diffraction andpolarized microscopy. 聚合物的相转变温度和形态织构用DSC、X-射线衍射和偏光显微镜进行了测定和观察。
- Results show that the phase transition temperature ( Tc) of W - doped Vanadium dioxide film prepared by an inorganic sol - gel process can be reduced to room temperature. 实验证明采用无机溶胶凝胶法制备掺钨二氧化钒薄膜可将二氧化钒薄膜的相变温度点降低到室温范围。
- The various features of phase transition can be well interpreted by the Landau phenomenological theory of the phase transition, which is summarized here. 应用朗道的相变唯象理论可以相当好地解释这一相变行为,本文将给予详细综述。
- The results show that the partial replacement of TOBB by PBA decreased the phase transition temperatures and narrowed the temperature range of mesophase format... 结果表明:PBA替代部分TOBB后,降低聚氨酯相转变温度,中介相温度范围变窄。
- As a random system neared the phase transition, it would be "pulled in" to rest at that sweet spot where it would undergo evolution and would then seek to maintain that spot. 当随机系统接近相变时,它会“靠岸”,在最佳听音位置休息,它在那儿会经历进化,之后力求保留那个位置。
- The low-temperature peak originated from the fining of twin variants,while the high-temperature one from the phase transition from the parent phase to martensite. 石墨颗粒加入后,材料的相变内耗峰降低,但背底内耗提高,即材料的整体阻尼本领提高。
- Based on the theory of the phase transition, gas dynamics , this dissertation set up the mechanical model of high speed natural gas flow with phase transition in Laval nozzle. 依据相变理论、气体动力学理论建立了描述有相变喷管中天然气高速流动的数学模型。
- The phase transition temperature range of the self-crosslinked PNIPAM hydrogel microspheres was very narrow, and they had nearly noncontinuous phase transition behavior. 自交联PNIPAM水凝胶微球的相转变温度范围很窄,接近非连续体积相转变行为。
- The low-temperature peak originated from the fining of twin variants, while the high-temperature one from the phase transition from the parent phase to martensite. 经分析后认为,低温峰由孪晶细化引起,高温峰则为马氏体相变峰。
- In the thermodynamic limit, the zeros accumulate nearly the transition point in the real axis and the density of zeros near determines the order of the phase transition. 在热力学极限下,配分函数零点在正实轴上集聚的那些点给出了相变的位置,同时在附近的配分函数零点密度决定了相变的类型。
- The phase transition process of isothermally quenched ductile iron was investigated, the author's opinion on the nomination of the structure of isothermally quenched ductile iron was described. 研究了等温淬火球铁的相变过程,指出了对等温淬火球铁组织命名的看法。
- Model RB not only avoids the trivial asymptotic insolubility of previous random CSP models but also has the great advantage of being able to determine the phase transition points exactly. 因此,RB模型不仅克服了以往随机CSP模型的平凡渐进无解性问题,而且还具有可确定相变点精确位置的突出优点。
- The phase field method is proposed based on the general Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions. 相场方法不需要跟踪固液界面,因此在模拟枝晶生长方面有独特的优势。