- The obvious characteristic, is the period of emperor kangxi, a piece of art treasures. 具有明显康熙时期的特征,是一件不可多得的艺术珍品。
- The "Red Hair House" in Dinghai, which had been opened for half a century, was a window of foreign trade in Zhejiang in the periods of Emperors Kangxi and Qilong. 定海“红毛馆”是康熙乾隆年间浙江对外贸易的一个窗口,开放了半个世纪。
- the period of Emperor Kangxi 康熙年间
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- The tale happened at a small village named Zhu-lo-Sanin of Taiwan in the period of Emperor Guangxu, Dynasty Qing. 故事发生在清光绪年间,台湾诸罗山的一个小村庄。
- Shanxi and Shaanxi merchantsraised money to establish it in Bozhou, and colored drawing wasengraved to it during the period of Emperor Qianlong. 由山西、陕西在亳商贾集资兴建,乾隆年间施以雕刻彩绘。
- The despots' crime of having too many farmhouses in the period of Emperor Wudi was not the system of Ming-tian-zhai at the beginning of the Han Dynasty. 武帝朝所纠劾地方豪右的“田宅逾制”,是武帝本朝的限田之制,不是汉初的“名田宅制”。
- The period of adolescence is very important in forming one's character. 青春期对人的性格形成是非常重要的。
- The fugitive is a very serious social problem in the period of Emperor Shunabi and the early period of Emperor Kangxi.However, few literary works involves it.If there is, it is very brief. 摘要逃人问题是顺治与康熙前期的一个重大社会问题,然而涉及这一社会问题的文学作品却寥寥无几,且内容简略。
- The period of exercise was geared down to ten minutes a day for men over 60. 60岁以上的人的锻炼时间减低到每日十分钟。
- The industry is in the period of recession. 工业正处于衰退时期。
- The period of waiting was not limitless. 等待的时候不会是没有尽头的。
- Emperor Kangxi was the architect of the period known as the “Prosperous Era of Kangxi and Qianlong” which lasted generations past his own life. 康熙皇帝是建筑师的时期被称为“繁荣时代的康熙和乾隆”经过几代人过去自己的生命。
- The Period from 1693 to 1722.It was a period marked by the polemic between Emperor Kangxi and the Pope over the Chinese rites. 4-1693年至1722年,为康熙皇帝与罗马教廷就“中国礼仪”进行论战的阶段。
- Defines the period of daylight-saving time. 定义夏时制周期。
- In 1714 (53rd year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi) the Qing government ordered the mapping of Taiwan to determine its size. 一七一四年(清康熙五十三年),清政府派员测绘台湾地图,勘丈全境里数。
- Shorten the period of schooling. 缩短学制。
- Xiguan mosque was built 26 years of Emperor Kangxi, "Hai Temple B", with China and the Islamic architectural style. 西关清真寺建于清康熙二十六年,为“海乙寺”,具有中国和伊斯兰教建筑的独特风格。
- The period of greatest risk was over. 最危险的时刻已经过去。
- Eighteen years of Emperor Kangxi (1679), a sturdy stone bridge was finally completed. 康熙十八年(1679),一座坚固的石桥终于建成。