- The people of Taiwan are of the same flesh and blood with us. 台湾人民是我们的骨肉同胞。
- Liu Yongxing most admired by the people of Taiwan Wang Yung-ching. 中英文对照:刘永行最崇拜的人是台湾的王永庆。
- I ca ot betray the people of Taiwan, nor can I betray my own co cience. 我不能出卖台湾人民,也不能出卖自己的良心。
- He represents the people of Bradford in Parliament. 他在国会中代表布拉德福选区的人民。
- Despicable! The people of Taiwan! In English to cover up its own identity! Pay for it? No one cares! 卑劣的绿毛龟!用鸟语!也掩饰不住你混血倭人的身份!你个人支付于否!没什么人在乎!呵呵!在这里宣传只能显示你的卑劣!和下作!
- Within this context,the people of the United States will maintain cultural,commercial and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan. 在此范围内,美国人民将同台湾人民保持文化、商务和其他非官方联系”。
- The people of town armed themselves a gainst all possible attack. 他们全镇的人都武装起来,准备抵抗敌人可能发动的任何袭击。
- Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan ... 在此范围内,美国人民将同台湾人民保持文化、商务和其他非官方联系”;
- Some people in Taiwan have reacted to that principle by complaining that we don't place any importance on the people of Taiwan. 这一点,台湾的人有一种反映,说我们不重视台湾人民。
- I believe that the people of Taiwan have the right to express their opinions in referenda and other fora that are consistent with Taiwanese law. 我相信 , 台湾人民有权利表达自己的意见 , 公民投票和其他论坛是符合台湾的法律。
- Both counties now have to bear the consequences of any decisions made by US government, including misjudgment of the people of Taiwan. 人们常把最高层官员未能访问当成焦点,但在任何关系中,高层出访都不是司空见惯的。
- We believe the people of Taiwan have worked hard for their democracy, and that the international community should accept Taiwan in its midst. 我们深信台湾人民为了民主所付出的努力,而国际社会应该接受台湾作为他们中间的一份子。
- The people of that country looked black at the invaders wherever they went. 不管侵略者到哪,那个国家的人民都对他们怒目而视。
- Hi, my name is Haregewoin Teferra. I come from Ethiopia and I am excited to havec the oppo Dating tunity to meet and speak with the people of Taiwan. 嗨,我的名字是德菲拉。我来自非洲的衣索比亚。我很兴奋能有机会到台湾和大家见面交谈。
- The possibility that the people of Taiwan could vote for independence from the mainland enraged the authorities in Beijing, who view the island as a wayward province. 台湾能通过投票从大陆独立出来,而激怒北京当局,因为他们认为台湾只是个不听话的
- Yet China also has a panoply of diplomatic, political and economic means to peacefully induce the people of Taiwan to embrace a relationship with China. 然而中国大陆还有一整套的外交、政治和经济手段,和平地促使台湾人民拥护与大陆的关系。
- The people of Taiwan seem to have accepted Mr Ma - a "mainlander" who was born in Hong Kong but moved to Taiwan at the age of one - to be the head of their government. 至于在新制度下要比现在多付的市民,辅助融资的供款人,当局更要让他们看到,他们在改革后得到的照顾怎样比现在优胜。
- Thirdly, rapprochement with China needs to be brought about in such a way that the people of Taiwan have a full say in determining their future as a free and democratic nation. 第三,与中方和解的方式必需是在台湾民众有充分发言权的情况下进行,他们应有决定自己的未来和作为一个自由和民主国家的权利。
- The Semitic language of the people of Malta. 马耳他语马耳他人的闪族语
- China should stop browbeating the people of Taiwan, by deploying hundreds of missiles targeting Taiwan, by holding military exercises or in any similar way. 以国际法的观点来看,中国应该停止以飞弹瞄准台湾、军事演习或类似手段来恐吓台湾的人民。