- The patriarch system linked by blood lineage and the cultural innovation of propriety and rig hteousness system were the primary manifestation of the humanism of the Western Zhou culture. 以血缘为纽带的宗法制、“制礼作乐”的文化创新,彰显西周文化的人本特质。
- Thus, the patriarchal system was based upon love, not force. 所以他们的父系社会是基于爱,而不是力量。
- Chapter one discusses the status of female in the patriarchal system. 第一章讨论在西方父权制度下女性的地位问题。
- Guan Zhong's Reform and the Patriarch System in China 管仲改革与宗法制度
- Ancient Chinese society is the patriarchal society founded on the patriarchal system. 中国古代社会是根据宗法制度建立起来的宗法社会。
- They reflect the patriarchal system and the Confucian ethics theory under China"s agro-farming culture. 它体现着中国农耕文化下的宗法制度和儒家伦理道德学说。
- We have seen that polyandry must be accepted as a stage in the progress towards marriage proper and the patriarchal system. 我们已经看到一妻多夫必然被公认是向适当婚姻和家长制发展中的一个阶段。
- The patriarch paid him a handsome price. 族长给了他一笔可观的数目。
- As you summon the story of your reptilian past, you will find that many of the influential characters in the patriarchal system of history have indeed been part of the reptile family. 由于你们召集你们过去像爬虫的历史,你们将发现许多有影响的历史人物在族长制度里的确是有像爬虫的家族。
- He supported the patriarch, he conciliated the Greeks. 他支持大教长,他绥抚希腊人。
- By her language talent, Lillian creatively uses the female discourse to give vent to the voice of her self, smashing the hegemony of male discourse and deconstructing the patriarchal system. 利莲运用自己的语言天才,创造性地使用女性话语表达了女性的自我之声,以摧毁父权话语霸权和瓦解父权统治。
- A mark of independence from the patriarchal family. 女性的行会资格则体现从父系家庭中独立。
- Abraham is the patriarch, forefather, from the Jews. 亚伯拉罕是犹太人的先祖。
- The Woman Marriage Life under the Patriarchal Clan and Patriarch System Control in the Period from 宗法宗族制度下明清时期的妇女婚姻生活
- In the Old Testament, the patriarch who was chosen by God to build an ark, in which he, his family, and a pair of every animal were saved from the Flood. 诺亚在旧约圣经中,被上帝选去建造方舟的大主教,借此方舟,诺亚、其家人以及每种动物的一对,在世界大水中保全了性命
- The patriarch Jacob married two of his first cousins, Rachel and Leah. 族长雅各布娶了他的两个表妹雷切儿和莉尔。
- The patriarch could not withhold his compassion and courted disgrace. 祖师忍俊不禁、一场漏逗。
- "The patriarch Jacob married two of his first cousins, Rachel and Leah. "族长雅各布娶了他的两个表妹雷切儿和莉尔。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The patriarch of the herd. 群众里年高德劭的人