- The past four weeks have been the driest in the country's history. 过去的四周时间是这个国家有史以来最干旱的时期。
- He reiterates his call that the fighting must stop to save civilians on both sides from the nightmare they have endured for the past four weeks. 他一再重申战争必须马上结束,将双方的平民从忍受了四周的噩梦中拯救出来。
- Some youngsters are so gripped by the fad that at least 11 have been caught stealing yo-yos from department stores within the past four weeks. 部分青少年非常沉迷玩摇摇,最近四周就有至少十一名青少年被发现在商店偷摇摇。
- Some youngsters are so gri ed by the fad that at least 11 have been caught stealing yo-yos from department stores within the past four weeks. 部分青少年非常沉迷玩摇摇,最近四周就有至少十一名青少年被发现在商店偷摇摇。
- But the 20 officers who have spent the past four weeks weaving through the streets on their skates don't have to worry about gridlock any more. 这支特别小分队的负责人苏特托警官说:“我们尽量把车停在离交通拥堵最近的路段,然后穿着旱冰鞋溜到拥堵的地方去指挥交通。”
- Florent Malouda is expected to make his competitive debut on Sunday, and he has been discussing his excitement, and how he has settled in over the past four weeks. 马卢达正期盼着在周日能够为切尔西首次出场打正式比赛,他谈论了自己的兴奋之情,还有他在过去四周内融入球队的情况。
- Meanwhile, the economic slowdown and high gasoline prices have kept demand weak. Gasoline consumption has averaged 1.2% below last year's for the past four weeks, EIA data show. 与此同时,经济减缓和高油价令需求疲软。EIA的数据显示,过去四个星期,汽油平均消耗量比去年低1.;2%25。
- in the past four weeks 在过去的四周
- Mudslides have buried 200 relief workers in the past four days. 这四天来已有200名营救工作者丧生于泥流中。
- Nobody denies the manifest disaster of the past four years. 没人会否认过去四年发生的触目的灾难。
- the past four weeks 过去的四周
- The refinery could be on stream within three or four weeks. 提炼厂可在三四个星期内开始生产。
- And for the past four years most of them made more money than they dreamed of. 在过去的四年里,他们中的大多数挣的钱是他们做梦都不敢想的。
- The number of homes with computers has nearly doubled in the past four years. 拥有计算机的用户在过去的四年里将近翻了一翻。
- I've seen little of her in the past few weeks. 近几周我很少见到她。
- Over the past four days, I have seen freedom in many manifestations in China. 在过去的四天中,我在中国看到了自由的许多表现形式。
- The number of homes with a computer has nearly doubled in the past four years. 拥有计算机的用户在过去的四年里将近翻了一翻。
- The region has been pounded with torrential rain for the past four days. 这个地区遭暴雨袭击已达四天之久。
- Indeed, Chet hadn't called an annual general meeting in the past four years. 确实,切特有四年没有召开年度例会了。
- Club membership has been rolling up for the past few weeks. 俱乐部成员在过去的几个星期当中一直在逐步增加。